
Kubernetes client-go credential helper for Google Cloud

Primary LanguageGo

Kubernetes client-go credential helper for Google Cloud

client-go credential helper that generates Kubernetes ExecCredentials objects from the GCloud SDK account.


Kubernetes provides a pluggable mechanism for getting user credentials for authenticating with the API server. k8s.io/client-go client libraries and tools using it such as kubectl and kubelet are able to execute an external command to receive user credentials. This tool reads the client credentials from the pre-authenticated GCloud SDK account on the local system and generates the appropriate ExecCredential API object that can be used by the above tools to authenticate.

See (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#client-go-credential-plugins)


Build and run gcp-exec-creds. The command does not take any flags or arguments.


  "apiVersion": "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1",
  "ExecCredential": "ExecCredential",
  "status": {
    "token": "ya29.Gl2MBsw3YWqsD5......OqgeJE5LciQ"



  • Golang 1.11

go get -v github.com/sl1pm4t/gcp-exec-creds

How is this different from 'gcloud config config-helper' command?

This tool outputs the credentials in the ExecCredential API document format which may be necessary for some tools. The gcloud config config-helper tool outputs in a non-standard json document.