
The main repository for a class given by Wendy Ju in the Fall term of 2019 at Cornell Tech.


The main repository for a class given by Wendy Ju in the Fall term of 2019 at Cornell Tech.



Class Discussion

Please use this invite link to join the class Discord.


Lecture slides will be posted here on Tuesdays, before class.

01 Circuits & Microcontrollers

02 Interaction Design & Firmware Programming

03 Displays & Actuators

04 Using Integrated Circuits

05 Physical Prototyping

06 Single Board Computers

07 Networks, Communication, and Distributed Applications

08 Prototype Refinement

Lab Prep

Assignments will be posted here on Tuesdays.

01 Prep


Labs will be posted here on Thursdays.

Lab #1 Light It Up! Getting started with electronics and Arduino prototyping.

Lab #2 Digital Timer - Incorporating light, sound and character displays

Lab #3 Data Logger - Sensing, recording and visualizing information

Lab #4 Paper Displays - Using servos, DC motors and simple mechanisms

Lab #5 Jack in a Box - Integrating electronics into product

Lab #6 Chatbot - Embedding web interfaces into product

Lab #7 Video Doorbell - Cameras and remote real-time interaction

Student Submissions

Fork this repository for your class Hub, and link to that below.

When submitting your assignments, add hyperlinks (only) once they're ready to be reviewed. Late assignments will be penalized by one letter grade per day late.

  1. Leif Reinert lcr77
  2. Alan Babushkin (azb6)
  3. Frans Fourie fjf46
  4. Konstantinos Karras Kallidromitis kk984
  5. Amanda Trang at669
  6. Eva Pilar Esteban Velasco
  7. Lois Lee ll556
  8. Zachary Gittelman zhg5
  9. Johnway Yih jy795
  10. Ananya Paul ap2273
  11. Alexander Popeil amp453
  12. Michael Chan mkc233
  13. Leanna Mulvihill lpm36
  14. Irene Wei zw575
  15. Bo Fang bf366
  16. Dan Witte dw592
  17. Zhenwei Zhang zz654
  18. Alana Crognale arc232
  19. Jeremy D Walker jdw342

Final Project

Office Hours


Mondays from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM in Bloomberg 254 or the MakerLAB.


Mondays from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the MakerLAB


Thursdays, 12:20 - 2:20, as well as by appointment, MakerLAB


Available via Discord