
toolTipGui(text [ , x , y, crosshair symbol , hiddenTitle , bgColor , fontSize ])

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


toolTipGui(text [ , x , y, crosshair symbol , hiddenTitle , bgColor , fontSize ]) square brackets means optional


toolTipGui(text, crosshair, [ hiddenTitle := "", bgColor := "", fontSize := 0, MonitorNr :=0 ]) square brackets means optional example: toolTipGui("hi world ", crosshair := "|-")


toolTipGui(text, y, crosshair, [ hiddenTitle := "", bgColor := "", fontSize := 0, MonitorNr :=0 ]) square brackets means optional example: toolTipGui("hi all ", 200, crosshair := "|-")

it creates or updates (if hiddenTitle exist). if you use crosshair symbol (see below) x,y is offset (otherwise absolute position values). crosshair symbol are one or two letters long and looks like:

/¯ ¯\

|¯ ¯|

|- -|

|_ _|

_ _/

¯ - | _

sets the position of the text.

if u type first v) then it means vertical. example: v)-

... see sample file.

alternative Example of moving existing later from autside:

; use a virtal line and then all your toolTipGui are moveble by mousedrag and drop
toolTipGui("^_^", x:=0, y:=10, "v)_" ,A_LineNumber,"Purple")

needle := title " ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI" ; mouseWindowTitle=0x7d1d2c  ;
IfWinExist,% needle
	winGetPos,x,y,,,% needle
	; winmove,% needle,% x, % y
	toolTipGui("hello world" ,x ,y , ,title ,"Purple")
} else
	toolTipGui("hello universe", x:=-strlen(actionList)*5 ,y:=0 ,g_config.actionList.tipps.showName ,title ,"Purple" )
