
Official PyTorch implementation of ACL 2023 paper "Listener Model for the PhotoBook Referential Game with CLIPScores as Implicit Reference Chain"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Listener Model for PhotoBook Game

This repo houses the official PyTorch implementation for the following paper

  • Listener Model for the PhotoBook Referential Game with CLIPScores as Implicit Reference Chain
    Shih-Lun Wu, Yi-Hui Chou, and Liangze Li
    Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2023


conda create -n photobook python=3.8.10
conda activate photobook
pip install -r requirements.txt

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('punkt')

Data Preprocessing

  1. Read ../data/data_splits.json and save processed log data to ../data/{split}_sections.pickle

    cd preprocess
    python dialogue_segmentation.py
  2. Generate CLIP score

  • Read ../data/{split}_sections.pickle and save data to ../data/{split}_clean_sections.pickle

    python process_section.py
  1. Extract image features with Segformer
  • Save features at ../data/image_feats.pickle, the saved data is a dictionary (key: image path, value: hidden features)

    python process_image.py

Training and Inference

  • Edit hyperparams in model/variables.py

  • Training (with the best-performing configuration)

    python3 train.py config_paper/EXPERIMENT_JSON exp/EXPERIMENT_NAME
  • To reproduce logged ablations, use different EXPERIMENT_JSON for each run.

    • Ours - vlscore_all.json
      • VisAttn - vlscore_visattn.json
      • CLIPScore - base_deberta.json
      • CLIPScore + VisAttn - visattn.json
      • Dense learning signals - vlscore_all.json (change DLS to False in model/variables.py)
  • Tweak random seeds for optimal performance.

  • Inference

    python3 inference.py exp/EXPERIMENT_NAME

Baseline Model Adapted from Takmaz et al., 2020

  • Model implementation is based on official PhotoBook repo

  • To run the Takmaz baseline

    cd takmaz_baseline/
    python3 train.py
  • To use reference chains extracted using CLIPScore

    • set REF_CHAIN_PATH = ref_chain_img_clipscore.pickle in takmaz_baseline/variables.py
  • Note that different random seeds might be needed in takmaz_baseline/variables.py for optimal results in different experiments.

Utterance-based Reference Chain Extraction

  • This part is largely inherited from official PhotoBook repo, except that we add the option to use CLIPScore as the scoring metric.

  • To reproduce the whole extraction and evaluation procedure described in (Takmaz et al., 2020), run these commands in chain-extraction.

    python src/extract_segments.py out/all_segments.dict --stopwords --meteor --from_first_common --utterances_as_captions
    python src/make_chains.py out/all_segments.dict out/all_chains.json --score f1
    python src/make_gold_chains.py out/gold_chains.json --from_first_common --first_reference_only
    python src/make_dataset.py out/all_chains.json out/gold_chains.json out/dataset
    python src/extract_segments.py out/eval_segments.dict --path_game_logs data/logs/test_logs.dict --stopwords --meteor --from_first_common --utterances_as_captions
    python src/eval_chains.py out/eval_segments.dict
  • To alternatively use CLIPScore as part of the scoring in extraction, just add the --clipscore option when running extract_segments.py above.