


Part Id Description Impact Effort Status
Tooling SFT001 Roughly write a first installer in install-karabiner-settings.tcl. M M Done
Tooling SFT002 Factor out installer utils from install-karabiner-settings.tcl. M M
Tooling SFT003 Add confirm-diff logic to installer. (Write to /tmp first before backing up. Then diff and confirm. Then backup and move. Don't bother to reuse the non-confirm path for backup-and-write.) M M
Tooling SFT004 Consolidate all tooling environment variables somewhere. L M
Tooling SFT005 Tmp file cleanup. L L
Tooling SFT006 Global switch to redirect output for tooling functions, i.e. disable "puts" by switch. L L
Tooling SFT007 Output for tooling functions to have indent levels. L L
Tooling SFT008 Fix zsh instructions to start with the cp; then refer back to it in case of changes outside the local machine. Also hardlink and check in ~/.oh-my-zsh/* and ~/.p10k.zsh and leave similar guidance. M L
Tooling SFT009 Port bash aliases and test them. H L
Tooling SFT010 Karabiner-Elements now recognizes CapsLock as a modifier. Might be able to undo complicated steps taken to create a hyperkey and such. L M


  1. Less READMEs, share by default, split when necessary; but always split decision logs.
  2. Tooling: Always install-foo.tcl; always run-from-anywhere; built-in pre-reqs check (system, dependencies, paths, configs); auto-backup any modified files.
  3. Automate lazily; vigilance against pre-mature optimization; e.g. avoid key remappings that won't be used >100 times a day.

Reading Log