
Clone the GIT repository

Install git large filesystems (git-lfs) in your .gitconfig (1-time step per unix environment)

$ git lfs install

Clone the git repo with git-lfs enabled

$ git clone --recursive

Note: recursive flag used to initialize all submodules within the clone

How to generate the RFSoC .BIT and .XSA files

  1. Setup Xilinx PATH and licensing (if on SLAC AFS network) else requires Vivado install and licensing on your local machine
$ source Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/
  1. Go to the target directory and make the firmware:
$ cd Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/targets/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/
$ make
  1. Optional: Review the results in GUI mode
$ make gui

The .bit and .XSA files are dumped into the SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/image directory:

$ ls -lath SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/
total 47M
drwxr-xr-x 5 ruckman re 2.0K Feb  7 07:13 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 ruckman re 2.0K Feb  4 21:15 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 ruckman re  14M Feb  4 21:15 SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.xsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 ruckman re  33M Feb  4 21:14 SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.bit

How to build Petalinux images

  1. Generate the .bit and .xsa files (refer to How to generate the RFSoC .BIT and .XSA files instructions).

  2. Setup Xilinx licensing and petalinux software (if on SLAC AFS network) else requires Xilinx & petalinux install on your local machine

# These setup scripts assume that you are on SLAC network
$ source Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/
$ source /path/to/petalinux/2023.2/
  1. Go to the target directory and run the script with arg pointing to path of .XSA file:
$ cd Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/targets/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/
$ source images/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.xsa

How to make the SD memory card for the first time

  1. Creating Two Partitions. Refer to URL below

  1. Copy For the boot images, simply copy the files to the FAT partition. This typically will include system.bit, BOOT.BIN, image.ub, and boot.scr. Here's an example:

Note: Assumes SD memory FAT32 is /dev/sde1 in instructions below

sudo mkdir -p boot
sudo mount /dev/sde1 boot
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/system.bit boot/.
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/BOOT.BIN   boot/.
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/image.ub   boot/.
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/boot.scr   boot/.
sudo sync boot/
sudo umount boot
  1. Power down the RFSoC board

  2. Confirm the Mode SW2 [4:1] = 1110 (Mode Pins [3:0]). Note: Switch OFF = 1 = High; ON = 0 = Low.

  3. Power up the RFSoC board

  4. Confirm that you can ping the boot after it boots up

How to remote update the firmware bitstream

  • Assumes the DHCP assigned IP address is
  1. Using "scp" to copy your .bit file to the SD memory card on the RFSoC. Here's an example:
ssh-keygen -f "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "" #
scp SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.bit root@
  1. Send a "sync" and "reboot" command to the RFSoC to load new firmware: Here's an example:
ssh root@ '/bin/sync; /sbin/reboot'

How to install the Rogue With Anaconda

How to run the Rogue GUI

  • Assumes the DHCP assigned IP address is
  1. Setup the rogue environment (if on SLAC AFS network) else install rogue (recommend Anaconda method) on your local machine
$ source Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/software/
  1. Lauch the GUI:
$ cd Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/software
$ python scripts/ --ip