
6DOF arm pick up software with inverse kinematics

Primary LanguageJava


6DOF arm pick up software with inverse kinematics

Installation & running

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run mvn install (given Maven is installed).
  3. Install librxtx-java (on Ubuntu) or java-rxtx (on Arch).
  4. Run ln -s /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/ttyS80. Double-check if no other resource was previously using /dev/ttyACM0.
  5. Run ls -al /dev | grep ttyACM, check the owning group (dialout or uucp).
  6. Run sudo usermod -aG <owning_group> <your_username>.
  7. Relog.
  8. Run the application from your IDE.

Inverse kinematics equations

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  1. public Map<Integer, Double> calculateResults(double x, double z, double angle)

    calculates angles for servos
    takes distance to the target(x), given height(z) and an angle to pick the item up at(angle)
    returns Map with servo number and calculated angle

  2. public void setPosition(double x, double y, double height, double angle, short speed, boolean clench)

    sets up arm to given position
    takes x and y coordinates of the target, given height, angle to pick the item up at, servo speed and boolean flag which is responsible for clenching