
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This app is a service designed to consume data from the URLockbox app. "Hot Reads" keeps track of all links that have been marked read on URLockbox across all users within the past 24 hours, and lists the top ten "hot reads".

Tech Stack

Rails version


Clone the repo Run bundle rake db:create rake db:migrate To run locally run rails s and open browser to localhost:3000

To view the app in production: Production Link


This app uses Rspec for testing. To run tests rspec


This app has two endpoints GET '/api/v1/hot_reads and POST '/api/v1/hot_reads. The post request checks to see if a link is already stored as a hot read. If so, its count is increased by one. If not, it creates a new record. Only the "hot reads" within the past 24 hours are displayed.


GitHub Repo Production