
Automated spider for zfrontier lottery with a web manager.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Automated spider for zfrontier lottery with a web manager.


This program is just for learn, don't use it to do anything illegal.

If this program violates your rights, please contact me to delete.

Quick Start

Read this for a quick use.

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Fill the config file

such as this.

host = localhost
port = 3306
name = test
user = test
password = test

manager_token = secretkey

The token is the only key to ensure your access to manage the spider.

Please make sure to modify the manager_token !

Start the server

Start with flask's developing server

python3 main.py

Although the official does not recommend using the server that comes with flask, due to the simple nature of our code, we directly use flask to start


If you don't want to re-develop this program, you can ignore the following part.

├── README.md
├── config.exsample.ini
├── config.ini
├── globals
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── config.py
│   └── database.py
├── main.py
├── models
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── user_picked.py
├── requirements.txt
├── spider_models
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── user.py
├── templates
│   ├── index.html
│   └── status.html
└── utils
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── post_utils.py
    ├── schedule_utils.py
    └── user_utils.py

The core code for zfrontier's api is in the spider_models.user.User.

It's a encapsulation of the user-api.

about User init

We have 2 ways to login, with password or with qrcode, correspondingly, as the login_with_passwd method and the login method. Mostly, we use login_with_passwd to get auth because of its convinience.

Once we new a User obj, it will be append to User.user_list.

Once we login successfully, its information will be insert to database.

And we have some methods to pickle or unpickle user object to or from database.


Method of spider_models.user.User

Just login with your password!

for a exsample:

new_user = User()
new_user.login_with_passwd('12345678901', 'password')


Method of spider_models.user.User

Login with a qrcode.

It will show you a QRimage, scan the image to get in with your phone zfrontier app.

This method has no arg, use it like this.

new_user = User()


Method of spider_models.user.User

Pickle self to database.userpickled.data .

new_user = User()


In utils.user_utils

A encapsulation for login_with_passwd(), but just write data to database.

Return "Success added!" or Exception

add_user('12345678901', 'password')


In utils.user_utils

Load all record from database.

No return.



In utils.user_utils

Pickle all obj of class User to database.

Use to save obj in some unexcepted situations mostly.

except Exception as e:

get posts with lottery

According to observation, most the drawing posts in /app/circle/1#2007, so we just get posts from that.


In utils.post_utils


The offset is a signal for the list of flow type from the website.

It's the last one post's id in your previous request.

We suppose you've just got a json(simplified) like this.


If you wanna get the post that id=114511, you need to request like this.


Actually, get_list is a recursive function, it will request posts until the post_id less than the min last_replied. So it suppose to return a list that include post_id that your users hasn't requested.

Participate in the lottery


The way that you participate in a lottery is by replying to it.

So, use User.reply() to participate in.


scheduled task


In utils.schedule_utils

This func is for the scheduled task, it will call the get_list(), then choose right users to reply it.
