Batch Remove Devices from Nexthink Engines

  • get a file with devices to be removed - one per line
  • in the finder, create a Category and a enum - “to be removed” and remove
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Category xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" SyntaxVersion="2" DataModelVersion="13">
  <Name>to be removed</Name>
      <Selector />
        <Conditions />
        <LogicalExpression />
  • run
  • in the finder create a investigiation to filter for the Category “to be removed”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Investigation xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" DataModelVersion="13" SyntaxVersion="3">
  <Label>to be removed</Label>
  <Description />
  <CategoryList />
  <AggregateList />
    <ObjectCondition IsTemplate="false">
      <Value>"to be removed:remove"</Value>
  • run the investigation, CTRL + A, right click, edit and set storage to remove
  • enjoy the feed licenses nearly instantly and the gone devices tomorrow (if not seen in the last 24h)