
A Purescript table renderer capable of displaying multidimensional, heterogeneous JSON data

Primary LanguagePureScript


Latest release Build status

A small but powerful PureScript library to render arbitrary JSON into HTML tables.

Turn this:

  "userId": 8927524,
  "profile": {
    "name":   "Mary Jane",
    "age":    29,
    "gender": "female"
  "comments": [{
    "id":       "F2372BAC",
    "text":     "I concur.",
    "replyTo":  [9817361, "F8ACD164F"],
    "time":     "2015-02-03"
  }, {
    "id":       "GH732AFC",
    "replyTo":  [9654726, "A44124F"],
    "time":     "2015-03-01"

Into this:

|          |           profile          |                           comments                         |
|  userId  |    name   | age |  gender  |    id    |     text     |       replyTo       |    time    |
|  8927524 | Mary Jane |  29 |  female  | F2372BAC | I concur.    | 9817361 | F8ACD164F | 2015-02-03 |
|          |           |     |          |----------|--------------|---------------------|------------|
|          |           |     |          | GH732AFC |              | 9654726 | A44124F   | 2015-03-01 |


bower install purescript-jtable


See examples/src/Main.purs for example usage.


Module documentation is published on Pursuit: http://pursuit.purescript.org/packages/purescript-jtable