Dmenu-like application launcher generally designed for EXWM.
In a nutshell it just lists all binary files under PATH variable entries through ivy-read (if ivy package is present) and runs the shell command with start-process-shell-command. It also by default preselects the last chosen entry.
The package intends to bring dmenu features to GNU Emacs editor used as a Desktop Environment. For some reason other application launchers for Emacs (like counsel-linux-app) do not allow to run custom shell command or pass some options to the programs (as dmenu does) and at the same time the default EXWM app launcher, which allows running shell commands, does not have an interactive menu. So bon-app-launcher is an Emacs-addopted dmenu clone with two additional features:
- Autoselecting last chosen entry
- Sorting most used entries to the beggining of the list
Cloning the repo:
git clone
Loading package:
(add-to-list 'load-path "*cloned repo path*")
(require 'bon-app-launcher)
Alternatively using straight
(use-package bon-app-launcher
:commands (bon-app-launcher bon-app-launcher-usr-bin)
:straight (bon-app-launcher :host github
:repo "slamko/bon-app-launcher"))
Also it is a popular practice for window managers to bind the app launcher to Super + P:
(exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-p") 'bon-app-launcher)