
Little Deep Learning framework in Racket

Primary LanguageRacket

Little deep learning framework based on Perceptron algorithm

Implemented in Typed Racket for better performance with Matrix library

Library part lives in deep.rkt file:

To try it out in your racket code:

#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket

(require "deep.rkt")
(require math/matrix)

(define xor-output
    (matrix [[0]])
    (matrix [[1]])
    (matrix [[1]])
    (matrix [[0]])))

(define xor-input
    (matrix [[0 0]])
    (matrix [[0 1]])
    (matrix [[1 0]])
    (matrix [[1 1]])))

(define nn (make-nn '(2 5 1)))
(define trained-nn (learn nn xor-input xor-output 1 (* 10 1000)))

(perform trained-nn xor-input xor-output)

app.rkt provides similar interface from the command line:

./app.rkt 10000 -a 2 5 1