
A global tool to convert snippets copied from VS Code into plain html to paste into your blog.

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


A global tool to convert snippets copied from VS Code into plain html to paste into your blog.

NuGet License


dotnet tool install -g HtmlCopyVSCode


In VS Code, copy some code to the clipboard with Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on macOS), then run the tool:


Now your clipboard contains the html snippet in plain text.

To remove most of the style on the root element and to add your own class, use the --class/-c switch like this:

html-copy-vscode -c vscode

Know Issues

At the moment, only Windows is supported. macOS support is possible, but will take time (unless someone knows a quick way to aquire and distribute Xamarin.Mac which looks like the easiest option).