
Installs pihole on kubernetes (using Carvel Tools)

Source Code


This project is my attempt to write up a "Helm chart" for zedeus/nitter using Carvel tools. The primary focus of this effort is to build on my current understanding of these tools by writing up something from scratch featuring a service I would actually like to use daily (a Twitter proxy). So far,

  • ytt as a replacement for Helm's Go template engine
  • kapp as the orchestrator for deploying/managing the chart
  • kapp-controller as the packaging/versioning manager


Currently this chart can be deploy two ways:

Purely with ytt:

ytt -f values.yaml -f templates/ | kubectl apply -f-

Or with kapp:

kapp -y deploy -a nitter -f <(ytt -f values.yaml -f templates/)

Configure the chart

The following items can be configured by editing the values.yaml directly.

Configure the way how to expose pihole service:

  • Ingress: The ingress controller must be installed in the Kubernetes cluster.
  • ClusterIP: Exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the service only reachable from within the cluster.
  • LoadBalancer: Exposes the service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer.


ytt -f values.yaml -f templates/ | kubectl delete -f-
kapp delete -a nitter


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the pihole chart and the default values.


NOTE: while authoritative for the most part, some values/types have been adjusted to better work with ytt. Please check out commented examples in the value.yaml file to see where those changes are. I will go through this list an update it at some later date.

Key Type Default Description
DNS1 string "" default upstream DNS 1 server to use
DNS2 string "" default upstream DNS 2 server to use
adlists object {} list of adlists to import during initial start of the container
admin object {"existingSecret":"","passwordKey":"password"} Use an existing secret for the admin password.
admin.existingSecret string "" Specify an existing secret to use as admin password
admin.passwordKey string "password" Specify the key inside the secret to use
adminPassword string "admin" Administrator password when not using an existing secret (see below)
affinity object {}
antiaff.avoidRelease string "pihole1" Here you can set the pihole release (you set in helm install <releasename> ...) you want to avoid
antiaff.enabled bool false set to true to enable antiaffinity (example: 2 pihole DNS in the same cluster)
antiaff.strict bool true Here you can choose between preferred or required
blacklist object {} list of blacklisted domains to import during initial start of the container
customVolumes.config object {} any volume type can be used here
customVolumes.enabled bool false set this to true to enable custom volumes
dnsHostPort.enabled bool false set this to true to enable dnsHostPort
dnsHostPort.port int 53 default port for this pod
dnsmasq.additionalHostsEntries list [] Dnsmasq reads the /etc/hosts file to resolve ips. You can add additional entries if you like
dnsmasq.customCnameEntries list [] Here we specify custom cname entries that should point to A records or elements in customDnsEntries array. The format should be: -, -, - cname=cname record,dns record
dnsmasq.customDnsEntries list [] Add custom dns entries to override the dns resolution. All lines will be added to the pihole dnsmasq configuration.
dnsmasq.customSettings string nil Other options
dnsmasq.staticDhcpEntries list [] Static DHCP config
dnsmasq.upstreamServers list [] Add upstream dns servers. All lines will be added to the pihole dnsmasq configuration
doh.enabled bool false set to true to enabled DNS over HTTPs via cloudflared
doh.envVars object {} Here you can pass environment variables to the DoH container, for example: string "cloudflared"
doh.probes object {"liveness":{"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":60,"probe":{"exec":{"command":["nslookup","-po=5053","",""]}},"timeoutSeconds":5}} Probes configuration
doh.probes.liveness object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":60,"probe":{"exec":{"command":["nslookup","-po=5053","",""]}},"timeoutSeconds":5} Configure the healthcheck for the doh container
doh.probes.liveness.enabled bool true set to true to enable liveness probe
doh.probes.liveness.failureThreshold int 10 defines the failure threshold for the liveness probe
doh.probes.liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 60 defines the initial delay for the liveness probe
doh.probes.liveness.probe object {"exec":{"command":["nslookup","-po=5053","",""]}} customize the liveness probe
doh.probes.liveness.timeoutSeconds int 5 defines the timeout in secondes for the liveness probe
doh.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
doh.repository string "crazymax/cloudflared"
doh.tag string "latest"
dualStack.enabled bool false set this to true to enable creation of DualStack services or creation of separate IPv6 services if serviceDns.type is set to "LoadBalancer"
extraEnvVars object {} extraEnvironmentVars is a list of extra enviroment variables to set for pihole to use
extraEnvVarsSecret object {} extraEnvVarsSecret is a list of secrets to load in as environment variables.
extraVolumeMounts object {} any extra volume mounts you might want
extraVolumes object {} any extra volumes you might want
ftl object {} values that should be added to pihole-FTL.conf
hostNetwork string "false" should the container use host network
hostname string "" hostname of pod
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" the pull policy
image.repository string "pihole/pihole" the repostory to pull the image from
image.tag string "" the docker tag, if left empty it will get it from the chart's appVersion
ingress object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"hosts":["chart-example.local"],"path":"/","tls":[]} Configuration for the Ingress
ingress.annotations object {} Annotations for the ingress
ingress.enabled bool false Generate a Ingress resource
maxSurge int 1 The maximum number of Pods that can be created over the desired number of ReplicaSet during updating.
maxUnavailable int 1 The maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during updating
monitoring.podMonitor object {"enabled":false} Preferably adding prometheus scrape annotations rather than enabling podMonitor.
monitoring.podMonitor.enabled bool false set this to true to enable podMonitor
monitoring.sidecar object {"enabled":false,"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"ekofr/pihole-exporter","tag":"v0.3.0"},"port":9617,"resources":{"limits":{"memory":"128Mi"}}} Sidecar configuration
monitoring.sidecar.enabled bool false set this to true to enable podMonitor as sidecar
nodeSelector object {}
persistentVolumeClaim object {"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"size":"500Mi"} spec.PersitentVolumeClaim configuration
persistentVolumeClaim.annotations object {} Annotations for the PersitentVolumeClaim
persistentVolumeClaim.enabled bool false set to true to use pvc
podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations for pods
podDnsConfig.enabled bool true
podDnsConfig.nameservers[0] string ""
podDnsConfig.nameservers[1] string ""
podDnsConfig.policy string "None"
privileged string "false" should container run in privileged mode
probes object {"liveness":{"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":60,"port":"http","scheme":"HTTP","timeoutSeconds":5},"readiness":{"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":3,"initialDelaySeconds":60,"port":"http","scheme":"HTTP","timeoutSeconds":5}} Probes configuration
probes.liveness.enabled bool true Generate a liveness probe
probes.readiness.enabled bool true Generate a readiness probe
regex object {} list of blacklisted regex expressions to import during initial start of the container
replicaCount int 1 The number of replicas
resources object {} lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
serviceDhcp object {"annotations":{},"enabled":true,"externalTrafficPolicy":"Local","loadBalancerIP":"","loadBalancerIPv6":"","nodePort":"","port":67,"type":"NodePort"} Configuration for the DHCP service on port 67
serviceDhcp.annotations object {} Annotations for the DHCP service
serviceDhcp.enabled bool true Generate a Service resource for DHCP traffic
serviceDhcp.externalTrafficPolicy string "Local" spec.externalTrafficPolicy for the DHCP Service
serviceDhcp.loadBalancerIP string "" A fixed spec.loadBalancerIP for the DHCP Service
serviceDhcp.loadBalancerIPv6 string "" A fixed spec.loadBalancerIP for the IPv6 DHCP Service
serviceDhcp.nodePort string "" Optional node port for the DHCP service
serviceDhcp.port int 67 The port of the DHCP service
serviceDhcp.type string "NodePort" spec.type for the DHCP Service
serviceDns object {"annotations":{},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Local","loadBalancerIP":"","loadBalancerIPv6":"","mixedService":false,"nodePort":"","port":53,"type":"NodePort"} Configuration for the DNS service on port 53
serviceDns.annotations object {} Annotations for the DNS service
serviceDns.externalTrafficPolicy string "Local" spec.externalTrafficPolicy for the DHCP Service
serviceDns.loadBalancerIP string "" A fixed spec.loadBalancerIP for the DNS Service
serviceDns.loadBalancerIPv6 string "" A fixed spec.loadBalancerIP for the IPv6 DNS Service
serviceDns.mixedService bool false deploys a mixed (TCP + UDP) Service instead of separate ones
serviceDns.nodePort string "" Optional node port for the DNS service
serviceDns.port int 53 The port of the DNS service
serviceDns.type string "NodePort" spec.type for the DNS Service
serviceWeb object {"annotations":{},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Local","http":{"enabled":true,"nodePort":"","port":80},"https":{"enabled":true,"nodePort":"","port":443},"loadBalancerIP":"","loadBalancerIPv6":"","type":"ClusterIP"} Configuration for the web interface service
serviceWeb.annotations object {} Annotations for the DHCP service
serviceWeb.externalTrafficPolicy string "Local" spec.externalTrafficPolicy for the web interface Service
serviceWeb.http object {"enabled":true,"nodePort":"","port":80} Configuration for the HTTP web interface listener
serviceWeb.http.enabled bool true Generate a service for HTTP traffic
serviceWeb.http.nodePort string "" Optional node port for the web HTTP service
serviceWeb.http.port int 80 The port of the web HTTP service
serviceWeb.https object {"enabled":true,"nodePort":"","port":443} Configuration for the HTTPS web interface listener
serviceWeb.https.enabled bool true Generate a service for HTTPS traffic
serviceWeb.https.nodePort string "" Optional node port for the web HTTPS service
serviceWeb.https.port int 443 The port of the web HTTPS service
serviceWeb.loadBalancerIP string "" A fixed spec.loadBalancerIP for the web interface Service
serviceWeb.loadBalancerIPv6 string "" A fixed spec.loadBalancerIP for the IPv6 web interface Service
serviceWeb.type string "ClusterIP" spec.type for the web interface Service
strategyType string "RollingUpdate" The spec.strategyTpye for updates
tolerations list []
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify a priorityClassName priorityClassName: "" Reference:
virtualHost string "pi.hole"
webHttp string "80" port the container should use to expose HTTP traffic
webHttps string "443" port the container should use to expose HTTPS traffic
whitelist object {} list of whitelisted domains to import during initial start of the container


Name Keybase Mastodon
slapula ajsmith