An awesome list of conferences. Inspired by the awesome lists thing.
This was seeded initially from @brittanystoroz's Twitter list. The O-Reilly
folder is the dedicated front end where you can filter through all of the conferences listed by @joshsimmons on his excel sheet. Initial work on this list was done by @Stephn-R.
- A code of conduct that is explicitly mentioned and upheld. For more on why, see this.
- A great line up of talks.
- A recurring schedule.
- Diversity; both in the talks and in the community who attend.
- Grants for students and minorities.
- Accessibility for disabled persons: wheelchair access, interpreters or captioning, etc.
- Alcohol-free drink options.
- Quiet rooms and safe space.
- Awwwards Conference // @awwwardsNYC
- BackboneConf // @backboneconf
- CSSConf
- Foss4g // @foss4g
- Future Insights // @Future_Insights
- JS CodeRetreat // @jsCodeRetreat
- JSFest // @JavaScriptFest
- Medellin JS // @MedellinJS
- OpenVis Conf // @OpenVisConf
- Papers We Love // @papers_we_love
- Science Hack Day // @sciencehackday
- Symfony Live // @symfony_live
- React.js Conf // @vjeux
- Web Rebels Conf // @web_rebels
- !!Con // @bangbangcon
- AlterConf // @AlterConf
- CakeFest // @cakephp
- CascadiaJS // @CascadiaJS
- Clojure/conj // @clojure_conj
- CppCon // @cppcon
- CSSConf Oakland // @CSSConfOak
- CSSConf US // @CSSConf US
- CSSDevConf // @CSSdevconf
- DanceJS // @oaklanddancejs
- DEFCON // @defcon
- DinosaurJS // @dinosaur_js
- DjangoCon US // @djangocon
- Dockerconf // @dockercon
- Edge Conf // @edgeconf
- EmberConf // @emberconf
- Facebook f8
- Forward JS // @forwardJS
- Geospatial Canada // @GeospatialCan
- Google I/O // @googledevs
- HTML5DevConf // @html5devconf
- JavaOne // @JavaOneConf
- jQuery Conference // @jqcon
- JSConf (All) // @jsconf
- JSConf US // @JSConfUS
- LamdaConf // @LambdaConf
- LibrePlanet // @fsf
- MidwestJS // @midwest_js
- NCDevCon // @ncdevcon
- NebraskaJS // @nejsconf
- ng-conf // @ngconf
- nodeconf // @nodeconf
- Node Summit // @NodeSummit
- Nodevember // @nodevember
- O'Reilly Fluent // @fluentconf
- O'Reilly Strata // @strataconf
- OaklandJS // @oaklandjs
- OpenWest // @openwestconf
- OSCON // @oscon
- PyCon // @pycon
- RealtimeConf // @RealtimeConf
- RubyConf // @RubyConf
- SassConf // @SassConf
- Self Conference // @selfconference
- Space City JS // @SpaceCityConfs
- Strange Loop Conf // @strangeloop_stl
- Transhack // @TransH4CK
- TXJS // @txjs
- Write/Speak/Code Conference // @WriteSpeakCode
- XOXO // @xoxox
- BrooklynJS // @brooklyn_js
- EmpireJS // @EmpireJS
- EmpireNode // @empirenode
- manhattan.js // @manhattan_js
- QueensJS // @queens_js
- WriteSpeakCode Workshop // @WriteSpeakCode
- Brazil JS Conf // @braziljs
- Conference CSS Brazil // @confcssbrasil
- CSSConf Argentina // @Css_Conf_AR
- Front in Aracaju // @frontinaracaju
- Front in BH // @frontinbh
- Front in Maceio // @frontinmaceio
- Front in POA // @frontinpoa
- Front in Recife // @frontinrecife
- Front in Sampa // @frontinsp
- JSConf Argentina // @jsconfar
- JSConf BR // @jsconfbr
- JSConf Colombia // @jsconfco
- JSConf Uruguay // @JSConfUY
- PyCon Argentina // @pyconar
- PyCon Brasil // @pythonbrasil
- RSJS // @rs_js
- RubyConf Argentina // @rubyconfAR
- RubyConf Brasil // @rubyconfbr
- RubyConf Colombia // @RubyConfCo
- StarTechConf Chile // @startechconf
- Tableless Conference // @tableless
- Arrrrcamp // @arrrrcamp
- Beyond Tellerrand // @btconf
- British Node Conf // @britishnodeconf
- CCC (Chaos Communication Camp) // @chaosupdates
- coldfrontconf // @coldfrontconf
- // @containercamp
- copenhagenjs // @copenhagenjs
- Cornerstone // @cornerstone
- Craft Conf // @CraftConf
- CSSconf Budapest // @cssconfbudapest
- CSSconf EU // @CSSconfeu
- CSSconf Nordic // @cssconfno
- csv,conf // @CSVConference
- Decentralize Camp // @decentamp
- Devoxx // @Devoxx
- dotCSS // @dotCSS
- dotGo // @dotGoEu
- dotJS // @dotJS
- dotScale // @dotScale
- dotSwift // @dotSwift
- dotSecurity // @dotSecurityio
- Ember Fest // @EmberFest
- Ethereum Devcon // @ethereumproject
- eurucamp // @eurucamp
- EuRuKo // @euruko
- FOSDEM // @fosdem
- Front-Trends // @fronttrends
- FSCONS // @fscons
- FullStack Fest // @fullstackfest
- GreachConf // @greachconf
- JavaZone // @JavaZone
- JRubyConf.EU // @jrubyconfeu
- JS Italian Conf // @jsconfit
- JSConf BP @jsconfbp
- JSConf EU @jsconfeu
- JSConf Iceland // @jsconfis
- jsist // @jsistorg
- JS Unconf // @jsunconf
- HumanTalks // @humantalks
- MoscowJS // @moscowjs
- Munich JavaScript UF // @munichjs
- ng-europe // @ngEurope
- oscal // @openlabsalbania
- NodeConf Europe // @nodeconfeu
- Paris-Web // @parisweb
- ReactEurope // @ReactEurope
- RealtimeConf EU // @RealtimeConfEu
- Redecentralize // @redecentralize
- Reject.JS // @RejectJS
- Rubyslava // @rubyslava
- ScotlandJS // @ScotlandJS
- SFK // @FLOSSKosova
- Squatconf
- WebExpo // @webexpo
- CSSConf Asia // @CSSconfasia
- Jing JS (京JS) // @jingjsconf
- JSConf Asia // @jsconfasia
- JSDC // @jsdc_tw
- JSFoo India // @jsfooindia
- NodeConf India // @NodeConfin
- PyCon India // @pyconindia
- Null Con India // @nullcon
- FOSSASIA // @fossasia
- PyCon Taiwan // @PyConTW
- FUDCON India // @fudconin
- RubyConf India // @rubyconfindia
These sites list open calls for speakers.
- AndroidStudyGroup
- awesome-django#conferences. The conferences section from a curated list of awesome Django apps, projects and resources.
- Cocoa Conferences List of cocoa conferences for iOS & OSX developers.
- Interdisciplinary Open Source Community Conferences by @maxogden.
- Conferences list by @jakarella on Twitter.
- php conferences in fall 2015
- planetruby/awesome-events. A collection of awesome Ruby events (meetups, conferences, camps, etc.) from around the world.
- Events of interest for tactical hacker, theory, avant-art scenes in space-time.
To the extent possible under law, Richard Littauer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.