
:ticket: A list of awesome conferences

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Awesome Conferences Awesome

An awesome list of conferences. Inspired by the awesome lists thing.

This was seeded initially from @brittanystoroz's Twitter list. The O-Reilly folder is the dedicated front end where you can filter through all of the conferences listed by @joshsimmons on his excel sheet. Initial work on this list was done by @Stephn-R.

What makes a conference awesome?

  • A code of conduct that is explicitly mentioned and upheld. For more on why, see this.
  • A great line up of talks.
  • A recurring schedule.
  • Diversity; both in the talks and in the community who attend.
  • Grants for students and minorities.
  • Accessibility for disabled persons: wheelchair access, interpreters or captioning, etc.
  • Alcohol-free drink options.
  • Quiet rooms and safe space.


North American

New York

South American




Call for Speakers

These sites list open calls for speakers.

Other Lists




To the extent possible under law, Richard Littauer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.