
Terraform module that creates and configures an AVI (NSX Advanced Load-Balancer) Controller on vSphere

Primary LanguageHCL

AVI Controller Deployment on vSphere Terraform module

Note: This repository has been archived and new versions are now available on the Terraform registry at https://registry.terraform.io/modules/vmware/avi-alb-deployment-vsphere/vsphere/latest or Github at https://github.com/vmware/terraform-vsphere-avi-alb-deployment-vsphere. Please use the new repository going forward.

This Terraform module creates and configures an AVI (NSX Advanced Load-Balancer) Controller on vSphere

Module Functions

The module is meant to be modular and can create all or none of the prerequiste resources needed for the AVI vSphere Deployment including:

  • vSphere Role for Avi (optional with create_role variable)
  • vSphere virtual machines for Avi Controller(s)
  • Cluster Anti-Affinity rules for HA Avi Controller Deployment

During the creation of the Controller instance the following initialization steps are performed:

  • Change default password to user specified password
  • Copy Ansible playbook to controller using the assigned IP Address
  • Run Ansible playbook to configure initial settings and vSphere Full Access Cloud

Optionally the following Avi configurations can be created:

  • Avi IPAM Profile (configure_ipam_profile variable)
  • Avi DNS Profile (configure_dns_profile variable)
  • DNS Virtual Service (configure_dns_vs variable)

Environment Requirements


The following are vSphere prerequisites for running this module:

  • vSphere Account with permissions to create VMs and any other vSphere resources created by this module
  • Port Groups indentified for Management

vSphere Authentication

For authenticating to vSphere both the vsphere_username and vsphere_password variables will be used. The credentials must have the following permissions in vSphere:

By default this module will use the same credentials (vsphere_username and vsphere_password) for the Avi Controller to connect to vCenter and deploy resources. To change this behavior set the "vsphere_avi_user" and "vsphere_avi_password" variables.

Controller Image

The AVI Controller image for vSphere should be uploaded to a vSphere Content Library before running this module with the content library name and image name specified in the respective content_library and vm_template variables.

Host OS

The following packages must be installed on the host operating system:

  • curl


terraform {
  backend "local" {
module "avi-controller-vsphere" {
  source  = "slarimore02/avi-controller-vsphere/vsphere"
  version = "1.0.x"
  controller_default_password = "PASSWORD"
  avi_version                 = "20.1.5"
  controller_password         = "NEWPASSWORD"
  controller_ha               = "true"
  create_roles                = "true"
  vsphere_datacenter          = "DATACENTER"
  content_library             = "CONTENT_LIBRARY_NAME"
  vm_template                 = "controller-20.1.5-9148"
  vm_datastore                = "DATASTORE"
  name_prefix                 = "PREFIX"
  dns_servers                 = [{ addr = "", type = "V4" }, { addr = "", type = "V4" }]
  dns_search_domain           = "vmware.com"
  ntp_servers                 = [{ "addr": "0.us.pool.ntp.org","type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "1.us.pool.ntp.org","type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "2.us.pool.ntp.org", "type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "3.us.pool.ntp.org", "type": "DNS" }]
  se_mgmt_portgroup           = "SE_PORTGROUP"
  se_mgmt_network             = { network = "", gateway = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["", ""] }
  controller_mgmt_portgroup   = "MGMT_PORTGROUP"
  compute_cluster             = "CLUSTER"
  vm_folder                   = "FOLDER"
  vsphere_user                = "USERNAME"
  vsphere_avi_user            = "USERNAME"
  vsphere_avi_password        = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_password            = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_server              = "VCENTER_ADDRESS"
  controller_ip               = [""]
  controller_netmask          = "24"
  controller_gateway          = ""
  configure_ipam_profile      = "true"
  ipam_networks                   = [{ portgroup = "PORTGROUP", network = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["", ""] }]
  configure_dns_profile           = "true"
  dns_service_domain              = "domain.net"
  configure_dns_vs                = "true"
  dns_vs_settings                 = { auto_allocate_ip = "true", vs_ip = "", portgroup = "PORTGROUP", network = "", type = "V4" }

output "controllers" {
  value = module.avi-controller-vsphere.controllers

VMware User Role for Avi

Optionally the vSphere Roles detailed in https://avinetworks.com/docs/latest/vmware-user-role can be created and associated with an vSphere Account. To enable this feature set the create_roles variable to "true". If set to "false" these roles should have already been created and assigned to the account that Avi will use.

When the create_roles variable is set to "true" the following command should be ran to remove the avi_root role and permissions before running a terraform destroy. The avi_root role can be cleaned up manually by navigating to the Administration > Access Control > Roles section and selecting delete for the avi_root role. This is due to a bug in the vSphere provider - hashicorp/terraform-provider-vsphere#1400

terraform state rm vsphere_entity_permissions.avi_root vsphere_role.avi_root

GSLB Deployment Example

terraform {
  backend "local" {
module "avi_controller_west" {
  source  = "slarimore02/avi-controller-vsphere/vsphere"
  version = "1.0.x"
  controller_default_password = "PASSWORD"
  avi_version                 = "20.1.5"
  controller_password         = "NEWPASSWORD"
  controller_ha               = "true"
  create_roles                = "true"
  vsphere_datacenter          = "DATACENTER"
  content_library             = "CONTENT_LIBRARY_NAME"
  vm_template                 = "controller-20.1.5-9148"
  vm_datastore                = "DATASTORE"
  name_prefix                 = "PREFIX"
  dns_servers                 = [{ addr = "", type = "V4" }, { addr = "", type = "V4" }]
  dns_search_domain           = "vmware.com"
  ntp_servers                 = [{ "addr": "0.us.pool.ntp.org","type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "1.us.pool.ntp.org","type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "2.us.pool.ntp.org", "type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "3.us.pool.ntp.org", "type": "DNS" }]
  se_mgmt_portgroup           = "SE_PORTGROUP"
  se_mgmt_network             = { network = "", gateway = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["", ""] }
  controller_mgmt_portgroup   = "MGMT_PORTGROUP"
  compute_cluster             = "CLUSTER"
  vm_folder                   = "FOLDER"
  vsphere_user                = "USERNAME"
  vsphere_avi_user            = "USERNAME"
  vsphere_avi_password        = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_password            = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_server              = "VCENTER_ADDRESS"
  controller_ip               = [""]
  controller_netmask          = "24"
  controller_gateway          = ""
  configure_ipam_profile      = "true"
  ipam_networks                   = [{ portgroup = "PORTGROUP", network = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["", ""] }]
  configure_dns_profile           = "true"
  dns_service_domain              = "domain.net"
  configure_dns_vs                = "true"
  dns_vs_settings                 = { auto_allocate_ip = "true", vs_ip = "", portgroup = "PORTGROUP", network = "", type = "V4" }
  configure_gslb                  = "true"
  gslb_site_name                  = "West1"
  gslb_domains                    = ["gslb.avidemo.net"]
  configure_gslb_additional_sites = "true"
  additional_gslb_sites           = [{name = "East1", ip_address = module.avi_controller_east.gslb_ip , dns_vs_name = "DNS-VS"}]

module "avi_controller_east" {
  source  = "slarimore02/avi-controller-vsphere/vsphere"
  version = "1.0.x"
  controller_default_password = "PASSWORD"
  avi_version                 = "20.1.5"
  controller_password         = "NEWPASSWORD"
  controller_ha               = "true"
  create_roles                = "true"
  vsphere_datacenter          = "DATACENTER"
  content_library             = "CONTENT_LIBRARY_NAME"
  vm_template                 = "controller-20.1.5-9148"
  vm_datastore                = "DATASTORE"
  name_prefix                 = "PREFIX"
  dns_servers                 = [{ addr = "", type = "V4" }, { addr = "", type = "V4" }]
  dns_search_domain           = "vmware.com"
  ntp_servers                 = [{ "addr": "0.us.pool.ntp.org","type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "1.us.pool.ntp.org","type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "2.us.pool.ntp.org", "type": "DNS" },{ "addr": "3.us.pool.ntp.org", "type": "DNS" }]
  se_mgmt_portgroup           = "SE_PORTGROUP"
  se_mgmt_network             = { network = "", gateway = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["", ""] }
  controller_mgmt_portgroup   = "MGMT_PORTGROUP"
  compute_cluster             = "CLUSTER"
  vm_folder                   = "FOLDER"
  vsphere_user                = "USERNAME"
  vsphere_avi_user            = "USERNAME"
  vsphere_avi_password        = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_password            = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_server              = "VCENTER_ADDRESS"
  controller_ip               = [""]
  controller_netmask          = "24"
  controller_gateway          = ""
  configure_ipam_profile      = "true"
  ipam_networks                   = [{ portgroup = "PORTGROUP", network = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["", ""] }]
  configure_dns_profile           = "true"
  dns_service_domain              = "domain.net"
  configure_dns_vs                = "true"
  dns_vs_settings                 = { auto_allocate_ip = "true", vs_ip = "", portgroup = "PORTGROUP", network = "", type = "V4" }

output "controllers_west" {
  value = module.avi_controller_west.controllers
output "gslb_leader_ip" {
  value = module.avi_controller_west.gslb_ip
output "controllers_east" { 
  value = module.avi_controller_east.controllers

Controller Sizing

The controller_size variable can be used to determine the vCPU and Memory resources allocated to the Avi Controller. There are 3 available sizes for the Controller as documented below:

Size vCPU Cores Memory (GB)
small 8 24
medium 16 32
large 24 48

Additional resources on sizing the Avi Controller:

https://avinetworks.com/docs/latest/avi-controller-sizing/ https://avinetworks.com/docs/latest/system-limits/


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.6
null 3.1.1
vsphere ~> 2.2.0


Name Version
null 3.1.1
vsphere 2.2.0


No modules.


Name Type
null_resource.ansible_provisioner resource
vsphere_compute_cluster_vm_anti_affinity_rule.avi resource
vsphere_entity_permissions.avi_folder resource
vsphere_entity_permissions.avi_root resource
vsphere_folder.avi resource
vsphere_role.avi_folder resource
vsphere_role.avi_root resource
vsphere_virtual_machine.avi_controller resource
vsphere_compute_cluster.avi data source
vsphere_content_library.library data source
vsphere_content_library_item.item data source
vsphere_datacenter.dc data source
vsphere_datastore.datastore data source
vsphere_folder.root data source
vsphere_network.avi data source
vsphere_resource_pool.pool data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_gslb_sites The Names and IP addresses of the GSLB Sites that will be configured. list(object({ name = string, ip_address = string, dns_vs_name = string }))
"dns_vs_name": "",
"ip_address": "",
"name": ""
avi_version The version of Avi that will be deployed string n/a yes
boot_disk_size The boot disk size for the Avi controller number 128 no
compute_cluster The name of the vSphere cluster that the Avi Controllers will be deployed to string null no
configure_cloud Configure the Avi Cloud via Ansible after controller deployment. If not set to true this must be done manually with the desired config bool "true" no
configure_dns_profile Configure Avi DNS Profile for DNS Record Creation for Virtual Services. If set to true the dns_service_domain variable must also be set bool "false" no
configure_dns_vs Create DNS Virtual Service. The configure_dns_profile and dns_vs_settings variables must also be set for the DNS VS to be created successfully. bool "false" no
configure_gslb Configure GSLB. The gslb_site_name, gslb_domains, and configure_dns_vs variables must also be set. Optionally the additional_gslb_sites variable can be used to add active GSLB sites bool "false" no
configure_gslb_additional_sites Configure Additional GSLB Sites. The additional_gslb_sites, gslb_site_name, gslb_domains, and configure_dns_vs variables must also be set. Optionally the additional_gslb_sites variable can be used to add active GSLB sites bool "false" no
configure_ipam_profile Configure Avi IPAM Profile for Virtual Service Address Allocation. If set to true the virtualservice_network variable must also be set bool "false" no
configure_se_mgmt_network When true the se_mgmt_network_address variable must be configured. If set to false, DHCP is enabled on the vSphere portgroup that the Avi Service Engines will use for management. bool "true" no
content_library The name of the Content Library that has the Avi Controller Image string n/a yes
controller_default_password This is the default password for the Avi controller image and can be found in the image download page. string n/a yes
controller_gateway The IP Address of the gateway for the controller mgmt network string n/a yes
controller_ha If true a HA controller cluster is deployed and configured bool "false" no
controller_ip A list of IP Addresses that will be assigned to the Avi Controller(s). For a full HA deployment the list should contain 4 IP addresses. The first 3 addresses will be used for the individual controllers and the 4th IP address listed will be used as the Cluster IP list(string) n/a yes
controller_mgmt_portgroup The vSphere portgroup name that the Avi Controller will use for management string n/a yes
controller_netmask The subnet mask of the controller mgmt network string n/a yes
controller_password The password that will be used authenticating with the Avi Controller. This password be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one each of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters string n/a yes
controller_size This value determines the number of vCPUs and memory allocated for the Avi Controller. Possible values are small, medium, or large. string "small" no
create_roles This variable controls the creation of Avi specific vSphere Roles for the Avi Controller to use. When set to false these roles should already be created and assigned to the vSphere account used by the Avi Controller. bool "false" no
dns_search_domain The optional DNS search domain that will be used by the controller string null no
dns_servers The optional DNS servers that will be used for local DNS resolution by the controller. The server should be a valid IP address (v4 or v6) and valid options for type are V4 or V6. Example: [{ addr = "", type = "V4"}, { addr = "", type = "V4"}] list(object({ addr = string, type = string })) null no
dns_service_domain The DNS Domain that will be available for Virtual Services. Avi will be the Authorative Nameserver for this domain and NS records may need to be created pointing to the Avi Service Engine addresses. An example is demo.avi.com string null no
dns_vs_settings The DNS Virtual Service settings. With the auto_allocate_ip option is set to "true" the VS IP address will be allocated via an IPAM profile. Valid options for type are V4 or V6. Example:{ auto_allocate_ip = "true", vs_ip = "", portgroup = "dns-portgroup", network = "", type = "V4" } object({ auto_allocate_ip = bool, vs_ip = string, portgroup = string, network = string, type = string }) null no
email_config The Email settings that will be used for sending password reset information or for trigged alerts. The default setting will send emails directly from the Avi Controller object({ smtp_type = string, from_email = string, mail_server_name = string, mail_server_port = string, auth_username = string, auth_password = string })
"auth_password": "",
"auth_username": "",
"from_email": "admin@avicontroller.net",
"mail_server_name": "localhost",
"mail_server_port": "25",
"smtp_type": "SMTP_LOCAL_HOST"
gslb_domains A list of GSLB domains that will be configured list(string)
gslb_site_name The name of the GSLB site the deployed Controller(s) will be a member of. string "" no
ipam_networks This variable configures the IPAM network(s). Example: { portgroup = "vs-portgroup", network = "" , gateway = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["",""]} list(object({ portgroup = string, network = string, type = string, static_pool = list(string) }))
"network": "",
"portgroup": "",
"static_pool": [
"type": ""
name_prefix This prefix is appended to the names of the Controller and SEs string n/a yes
ntp_servers The NTP Servers that the Avi Controllers will use. The server should be a valid IP address (v4 or v6) or a DNS name. Valid options for type are V4, DNS, or V6 list(object({ addr = string, type = string }))
"addr": "0.us.pool.ntp.org",
"type": "DNS"
"addr": "1.us.pool.ntp.org",
"type": "DNS"
"addr": "2.us.pool.ntp.org",
"type": "DNS"
"addr": "3.us.pool.ntp.org",
"type": "DNS"
se_ha_mode The HA mode of the Service Engine Group. Possible values active/active, n+m, or active/standby string "active/active" no
se_mgmt_network This variable configures the SE management network. Example: { network = "" , gateway = "", type = "V4", static_pool = ["",""]} object({ network = string, gateway = string, type = string, static_pool = list(string) })
"gateway": "",
"network": "",
"static_pool": [
"type": ""
se_mgmt_portgroup The vSphere portgroup that the Avi Service Engines will use for management string null no
se_size The CPU, Memory, Disk Size of the Service Engines. The default is 1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM, and a 15 GB Disk per Service Engine. Syntax ["cpu_cores", "memory_in_GB", "disk_size_in_GB"] list(string)
vm_datastore The vSphere Datastore that will back the Avi Controller VMs string n/a yes
vm_folder The folder that the Avi Controller(s) will be placed in. This will be the full path and name of the folder that will be created string n/a yes
vm_resource_pool The Resource Pool that the Avi Controller(s) will be deployed to string "" no
vm_template The name of the Avi Controller Image that is hosted in a Content Library string n/a yes
vsphere_avi_password The password for the user account that will be used for accessing vCenter from the Avi Controller(s) string null no
vsphere_avi_user The user account that will be used for accessing vCenter from the Avi Controller(s) string null no
vsphere_datacenter The vSphere Datacenter that the Avi Controller(s) will be deployed string n/a yes
vsphere_password The password for the user account that will be used for creating vSphere resources string n/a yes
vsphere_server The IP Address or FQDN of the VMware vCenter server string n/a yes
vsphere_user The user account that will be used to create the Avi Controller(s) string n/a yes


Name Description
controllers AVI Controller Information
gslb_ip The IP Address of AVI Controller Information