This repository contains my systems setup. I have three hosts set up by this repository:
- A Dell XPS laptop running WSL2 on Ubunto
- My work Thinkpad laptop running WSL1 on Ubuntu
I use nix as package manager for all hosts. I use Home Manager to declare nix packages and configuration to use. All hosts are configured from their respective /hosts directory, [hosts/common.nix]{.spurious-link target="hosts/common.nix"} contain shared configuration and program-specific configuration live under programs
- neovim for basic text editing
- One configuration using COC for lsp
- Another configuration using inbuilt nvim lsp and generally the nvim plugin ecosystem
- Zsh with Oh My Zsh as shell
- tmux for managing terminal windows
- Terminal is form
- I use the power level 10k theme for Zsh and dracula as my default theme for vim
- I use the windows terminal for the terminal settings for WSL (manually configured)
Install nix and set up [flakes] (
Clone this repository
$ git clone $ cd dotfiles-nix
Change name, username and email if you're not me
$ grep -E '(shingi|slaser)' -r . $ # edit away!
Create the first generation
Linux and macOS
$ home-manager switch --flake .
NixOS (Not implementated)
$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake '.#'