
Primitive exercise in parsing and generating go code

Primary LanguageGo


  1. Install this package with go install github.com/slash3b/mockgen@latest
  2. run go generate ./...

example file bar.go:

package bar

//go:generate mockgen

type Jest interface {
        Sum(i, j int) (int, error)

type Stringer interface {
        String() string

result file bar_test.go:

// Auto-generated. Do Not Edit!
package bar

import (

var _ Stringer = (*StringerMock)(nil)

type StringerMock struct {

func (sm *StringerMock) String() string {
        args := sm.Called()

        return args.String(0)

var _ Jest = (*JestMock)(nil)

type JestMock struct {

func (jm *JestMock) Sum(i int, j int) (int, error) {
        args := jm.Called(i, j)

        return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)