RamStorage (r9e) is a Thread-Safe
Golang library used for memory storage with convenient methods to store and retrieve data.
This is focused on usability and simplicity
rather than performance, but it doesn't mean that it's not fast. Discover it for yourself
Taking advantage of the Golang Generics and internal golang data structures, RamStorage (r9e)
provides a simple way to store and retrieve data.
The goal is to provide an easy way to use a library to store and retrieve data from memory using an API and data structures simples and.
This package doesn't have any dependencies, so it's easy to use and maintain, only golang standard library is required.
- MapKeyValue[K comparable, T any] using sync.RWMutex
- SMapKeyValue[K comparable, T any] using sync.Map
Official documentation is available on pkg.go.dev -> slashdevops/r9e
Latest release:
go get -u github.com/slashdevops/r9e@latest
Specific release:
go get -u github.com/slashdevops/r9e@vx.y.z
Adding it to your project:
import "github.com/slashdevops/r9e"
package main
import (
func main() {
type MathematicalConstants struct {
Name string
Value float64
// With Capacity allocated
// kv := r9e.NewMapKeyValue[string, MathematicalConstants](r9e.WithCapacity(5))
kv := r9e.NewMapKeyValue[string, MathematicalConstants]()
kv.Set("pi", MathematicalConstants{"Archimedes' constant", 3.141592})
kv.Set("e", MathematicalConstants{"Euler number, Napier's constant", 2.718281})
kv.Set("γ", MathematicalConstants{"Euler number, Napier's constant", 0.577215})
kv.Set("Φ", MathematicalConstants{"Golden ratio constant", 1.618033})
kv.Set("ρ", MathematicalConstants{"Plastic number ρ (or silver constant)", 2.414213})
kvFilteredValues := kv.FilterValue(func(value MathematicalConstants) bool {
return value.Value > 2.0
fmt.Println("Mathematical Constants:")
kvFilteredValues.ForEach(func(key string, value MathematicalConstants) {
fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Name: %v, Value: %v\n", key, value.Name, value.Value)
fmt.Printf("The most famous mathematical constant:\n")
fmt.Printf("Name: %v, Value: %v\n", kv.Get("pi").Name, kv.Get("pi").Value)
lst := kv.SortValues(func(value1, value2 MathematicalConstants) bool {
return value1.Value > value2.Value
fmt.Printf("The most famous mathematical constant sorted by value:\n")
for i, value := range lst {
fmt.Printf("i: %v, Name: %v, Value: %v\n", i, value.Name, value.Value)
kvHigh, kvLow := kv.Partition(func(key string, value MathematicalConstants) bool {
return value.Value > 2.5
fmt.Printf("Mathematical constants which value is greater than 2.5:\n")
kvHigh.ForEach(func(key string, value MathematicalConstants) {
fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Name: %v, Value: %v\n", key, value.Name, value.Value)
fmt.Printf("Mathematical constants which value is less than 2.5:\n")
kvLow.ForEach(func(key string, value MathematicalConstants) {
fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Name: %v, Value: %v\n", key, value.Name, value.Value)
Mathematical Constants:
Key: ρ, Name: Plastic number ρ (or silver constant), Value: 2.414213
Key: e, Name: Euler number, Napier's constant, Value: 2.718281
Key: pi, Name: Archimedes' constant, Value: 3.141592
The most famous mathematical constant:
Name: Archimedes' constant, Value: 3.141592
The most famous mathematical constants sorted by value:
i: 0, Name: Archimedes' constant, Value: 3.141592
i: 1, Name: Euler number, Napier's constant, Value: 2.718281
i: 2, Name: Plastic number ρ (or silver constant), Value: 2.414213
i: 3, Name: Golden ratio constant, Value: 1.618033
i: 4, Name: Euler number, Napier's constant, Value: 0.577215
Mathematical constants which value is greater than 2.5:
Key: pi, Name: Archimedes' constant, Value: 3.141592
Key: e, Name: Euler number, Napier's constant, Value: 2.718281
Mathematical constants which value is less than 2.5:
Key: Φ, Name: Golden ratio constant, Value: 1.618033
Key: ρ, Name: Plastic number ρ (or silver constant), Value: 2.414213
Key: γ, Name: Euler number, Napier's constant, Value: 0.577215
Discover it for yourself:
git clone git@github.com:slashdevops/r9e.git
cd r9e/
make bench
RamStorage (r9e) is released under the Apache License Version 2.0: