Elixir wrapper for the Strava API (v3), generated from the official Strava API Swagger definition using the OpenAPI Generator.
All calls to the Strava API require an access_token
defining the athlete and application making the call. Any registered Strava user can create their own application at developers.strava.com.
MIT License
This README and the following guides follow the
branch which may not be the currently published version. Read docs for the latest published version of Strava on Hex.
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:strava, "~> 1.0"}]
Add the following strava
configuration settings to each environment's mix config file.
Enter your Strava application settings as shown on https://www.strava.com/settings/api.
# config/dev.exs
use Mix.Config
config :strava,
client_id: <client id>,
client_secret: "<client secret>",
access_token: "<access token>",
redirect_uri: "<redirect url>"
All requests to the Strava API require authentication.
Create a client to make requests as your own application:
client = Strava.Client.new()
Provide an athlete's access_token
to make requests on behalf of an authenticated athlete:
client = Strava.Client.new("<<access_token>>")
Access tokens expire six hours after they are created, so they must be refreshed in order for an application to continuing making authenticated requests on behalf of an athlete.
You can create a client with an optional refresh token, used to refresh an expired access token, and optional callback function invoked when the token is refreshed.
client = Strava.Client.new("<access_token>",
refresh_token: "<refresh_token>",
token_refreshed: fn client -> IO.inspect(client, label: "client") end
Using the above client, whenever a "401 Unauthorized" HTTP response status code is returned from an API request an attempt will be made to refresh the token and retry the original request.
The token_refreshed
callback function can be used to persist the refreshed access_token
and refresh_token
to be used for further requests for the athlete.
{:ok, %Strava.DetailedClub{} = club} = Strava.Clubs.get_club_by_id(client, 1)
{:ok, members} = Strava.Clubs.get_club_members_by_id(client, 1, per_page: 20, page: 1)
{:ok, %Strava.DetailedSegment{}} = Strava.Segments.get_segment_by_id(client, 229781)
{:ok, segment_efforts} = Strava.SegmentEfforts.get_efforts_by_segment_id(client, 229781)
Returns segment efforts for the authenticated athlete only.
{:ok, segment_efforts} = Strava.SegmentEfforts.get_efforts_by_segment_id(client, 229781,
start_date_local: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
end_date_local: "2014-01-01T23:59:59Z"
Convert DateTime
structs to an ISO 8601 formatted date time string using:
{:ok, %Strava.DetailedSegmentEffort{} = segment_effort} =
Strava.SegmentEfforts.get_segment_effort_by_id(client, 269990681)
{:ok, %Strava.DetailedActivity{} = activity} = Strava.Activities.get_activity_by_id(client, 746805584)
{:ok, activities} = Strava.Activities.get_logged_in_athlete_activities(client, per_page: 50, page: 1)
Any requests which take optional pagination params (per_page
and page
) can be converted to an Elixir Stream
by using Strava.Paginator.stream/2
The first argument is a function which is provided the current pagination params to make the request to the Strava API.
stream =
fn pagination ->
Strava.SegmentEfforts.get_efforts_by_segment_id(client, segment_id, pagination)
per_page: 10
segment_efforts = stream |> Stream.take(20) |> Enum.to_list()
A Strava.Paginator.RequestError
error will be raised if the request returns an error tagged tuple.
You can use Strava as an authentication provider with the OAuth2 strategy included in this library.
Use Strava.Auth.authorize_url!/1
to generate the Strava URL to redirect unauthenticated users to. After the user has successfully authenticated with Strava you can use Strava.Auth.get_token!
to access their summary details and unique access token required to make authenticated requests on behalf of the user.
Include the access scopes your application requires as a comma delimited string (e.g. "activity:read_all,activity:write"
). Applications should request only the scopes required for the application to function normally.
An example Phoenix authentication controller is shown below:
defmodule Example.AuthController do
use Example.Web, :controller
def index(conn, _params) do
redirect(conn, external: Strava.Auth.authorize_url!(scope: "profile:read,activity:read"))
def delete(conn, _params) do
|> configure_session(drop: true)
|> redirect(to: "/")
@doc """
This action is reached via `/auth/callback` and is the the callback URL that
Strava will redirect the user back to with a `code` that will be used to
request an access token. The access token will then be used to access
protected resources on behalf of the user.
def callback(conn, %{"code" => code}) do
client = Strava.Auth.get_token!(code: code, grant_type: "authorization_code")
athlete = Strava.Auth.get_athlete!(client)
|> put_session(:current_athlete, athlete)
|> put_session(:access_token, client.token.access_token)
|> put_session(:refresh_token, client.token.refresh_token)
|> redirect(to: "/")
With the access_token
tracked against the user's session you can make requests to the Strava API on their behalf. Use Strava.Client.new(access_token)
to create a client to use with each request for that user.
Access tokens expire six hours after they are created, so they must be refreshed in order for an application to continuing making authenticated requests on behalf of an athlete.
Use the refresh token returned from the initial token exchange to obtain a fresh access token.
client = Strava.Auth.get_token!(grant_type: "refresh_token", refresh_token: "<refresh_token>")
access_token = client.token.access_token
refresh_token = client.token.refresh_token
Both the access_token
and refresh_token
tokens will need to be stored to ensure authenticated requests can be made and the token can be later refreshed after expiry.
To run the entire test suite, create a file called config/test.secret.exs
with the following:
# config/test.secret.exs
use Mix.Config
config :strava,
access_token: "<access_token>",
test: [
athlete_id: "<athlete_id>",
club_id: "<club_id>",
segment_id: "<segment_id>"
Replace the above placeholders with values appropriate for your own Strava application and athlete profile: your own athlete id; a club id you are a member of; and a segment you have made at least one attempt at.
To run the test suite:
$ mix test
Pull requests to contribute new or improved features, and extend documentation are most welcome.
Please follow the existing coding conventions, or refer to the Elixir style guide.
You should include unit tests to cover any changes.