
Library which contains Exo Player fragment, so that it is easier to use on an Activity

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Library which contains ExoPlayer(https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer) inside a Fragment, so that it is easier to use on an Activity

The Fragment use the code from the demo player provided in https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer repository.

Note: The ExoPlayerFragmanet extends support Fragment.java and therefore requires support FragmentManager.java





compile 'com.github.slashrootv200:exo-player-fragment-lib:0.0.3'


If you don't want the track selection for video, audio, text to be shown on the ExoPlayerFragment then override these boolean resources


<bool name="exo_fragment_lib_show_video_selector">true</bool>
<bool name="exo_fragment_lib_show_audio_selector">false</bool>
<bool name="exo_fragment_lib_show_text_selector">false</bool>

By default all the values are true so you will see all the three choices if they are available.


Example: In onCreate of an Activity.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  if (savedInstanceState == null) {
    Uri videoUri = Uri.parse("http://playertest.longtailvideo.com/adaptive/oceans_aes/oceans_aes.m3u8");
    String videoTitle = "Sample Video";
    mExoPlayerFragment = ExoPlayerFragment.newInstance(videoUri, videoTitle);
        .add(R.id.main_container, mExoPlayerFragment, ExoPlayerFragment.TAG)

If you do not have any Base Activity class then you can also use BaseExoPlayerActivity.java as base class for your Activity which contains the Exo player. Please refer the demo app in the git repository for more information.

ExoPlayerFragment can be instantiated in using one of the four static methods:

  1. ExoPlayerFragment.newInstance(Uri uri)-> uri = video uri
  2. ExoPlayerFragment.newInstance(Uri uri, String videoTitle)-> videoTitle = video title
  3. ExoPlayerFragment.newInstance(Uri uri, int dialogTheme)-> dialogTheme = theme resource Id for the dialogs created for track selection
  4. ExoPlayerFragment.newInstance(Uri uri, String videoTitle, int dialogTheme)-> videoTitle = video title and dialogTheme = theme resource Id for the dialogs created for track selection

Instead of passing int dialogTheme you can also override theme by name ExoPlayerFragmentTrackSelectionDialogTheme in your application's styles.xml to override the dialog theme