Particles ========= A lightweight particle engine written in pure haXe. Based on AS2 class by bit-101. Features --------- Coming soon. Examples -------- Coming soon. TODO ==== Particle Engine ---------------- * Make sure the delta timing works properly. This might also fix the "exploding" effect that shows when the window has been resized or something. * Particle#turn doesn't do anything right now (should update the Particle#direction property) * Emitter might want to use the delta timing to more precisely emit a proper amount of particles (particlesPerFrame would be particlesPerUpdate) * Examples and Features (in this README) * Add EffectPoint.Deflector - A plane which the particles can bounce off of. * Maybe the particles themselves may act as an EffectPoint? TileMap Engine --------------- * Optimize the tileMap sizes. (if it's 64 frames, do 8x8 or 64x1 depending on the width). * Should throw errors on one tile is larger than MAX_TILE_WIDTH or MAX_TILE_HEIGHT. * TileMaps should have a HSB color interpolation TileEffect * TileEffect.Clip is not implemented * TileEffect.Filter is not implemented * TileEffect.Alpha looks like shit. * TileMap Transforms should be concatenated. Otherwise a Combine( [ Skew() , Scale() ] ) TileEffect won't work. Banner ------- * Make it configurable using flashvars (text, size, time and url) * After a specified time it should add new particles which does not fade, but bounces with the others and then they come up writing a text. At the same time the emitter should stop. * RotatingLetterTileMap maybe need to use a rotating textfield instead of the bitmap transform, to get better results.