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ARMA 3 is an open world, military tactical shooter video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive. ARMA 3's storyline takes place in the mid-2030s during the fictional Operation Magnitude, a military operation launched by NATO forces fighting in Europe against "Eastern armies" referred to as Canton-Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT), led by a resurgent Iranian military with a coalition of other Middle Eastern and Asian nations.

Get Image

Docker hub

docker pull slasse/arma3-dedicated

How to use this image

docker run -d \
        -e STEAM_LOGIN=<username> \
        -e STEAM_PASSWORD=<password> \
        -p 2301:2301 \
        -p 2302:2302 \
        -p 2303:2303 \
        -p 2304:2304 \
        -p 2305:2305 \
        -p 2306:2306 \

Required Ports for Arma3

Which ports do I need to open for Arma3?


Port Description
UDP 2301 Arma3 rcon port
UDP 2302 Arma3 game port + voice over net
UDP 2303 Steam query port
UDP 2304 Steam port
UDP 2306 BattlEye port


Port Description
TCP 2345 BattlEye port
UDP 2302-2305 Client traffic
UDP 2303 Steam query port
UDP 2304 Steam master traffic

Environment Variables

Steam Configuration

Variable Function
STEAM_LOGIN Steam account login (required)
STEAM_PASSWORD Steam password (required)

Arma 3 Startup Parameters

Variable Function
ARMA3_PORT Port to have dedicated server listen on
ARMA3_BEPATH By default BattlEye will create BattlEye folder inside server profile folder. With bepath param it is possible to specify a custom folder
ARMA3_PROFILES Path to the folder containing server profile. By default, server logs are written to server profile folder. If folder doesn't exist, it will be automatically created
ARMA3_BASIC_CFG Selects the Server Basic Config file. Config file for server specific settings like network performance tuning
ARMA3_SERVER_CFG Selects the Server Config File. Config file for server specific settings like admin password and mission selection
ARMA3_WORLD_CFG Init Landscape by the given world config
ARMA3_NAME Profile name
ARMA3_MODS Loads the specified sub-folders for different mods. Separated by semi-colons. Absolute path and multiple stacked folders are possible
ARMA3_SERVER_MODS Loads the specified sub-folders for different server-side (not broadcasted to clients) mods. Separated by semi-colons. Absolute path and multiple stacked folders are possible
ARMA3_BANDWIDTH_ALG Uses a new experimental networking algorithm that might be better than the default one
ARMA3_IP Command to enable support for Multihome servers. Allows server process to use defined available IP address
ARMA3_AUTOINIT Automatically initialize mission just like first client does
ARMA3_LOAD_MISSION_TO_MEMORY Server will load mission into memory on first client downloading it. Then it keeps it pre-processed pre-cached in memory for next clients, saving some server CPU cycles
ARMA3_NOSOUND Disables sound output
ARMA3_NOSPLASH Disables splash screens
ARMA3_PAR Command to read startup parameters from a file.
ARMA3_SKIPINTRO Disables world intros in the main menu permanently
ARMA3_WORLD Select a world loaded by default

Basic Configuration

Variable Function
ARMA3_LANGUAGE Language settings
ARMA3_ADAPTER Adapter settings
ARMA3_3D_PERFORMANCE 3D Performance settings
ARMA3_RESOLUTION_W Resolution width settings
ARMA3_RESOLUTION_H Resolution height settings
ARMA3_RESOLUTION_BPP Resolution BPP settings
ARMA3_MIN_BANDWIDTH Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded. Default: 131072
ARMA3_MAX_BANDWIDTH Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server to estimate bandwidth available.
ARMA3_MAX_MSG_SEND Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128
ARMA3_MAX_SIZE_GUARANTEED Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512
ARMA3_MAX_SIZE_NONGUARANTEED Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256
ARMA3_MIN_ERROR_TO_SEND Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.001
ARMA3_MIN_ERROR_TO_SEND_NEAR Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Default: 0.01
ARMA3_MAX_CUSTOM_FILE_SIZE Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size (bytes) are kicked when trying to connect.
ARMA3_MAX_PACKET_SIZE Maximal size of packet sent over network

Server Configuration

Variable Function
ARMA3_HOSTNAME Servername visible in the game browser
ARMA3_PASSWORD Password required to connect to server.
ARMA3_PASSWORD_ADMIN Password to protect admin access.
ARMA3_SERVER_COMMAND_PASSWORD Password required by alternate syntax of serverCommand server-side scripting.
ARMA3_LOGFILE Enables output of dedicated server console into textfile. Default location of log is same as crash dumps and other logs.
ARMA3_MOTD Welcome message of the Day. Comma is the 'new line' separator.
ARMA3_MOTD_INTERVAL Time interval (seconds) between each message
ARMA3_MAX_PLAYERS Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
ARMA3_KICK_DUPLICATE Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
ARMA3_VERIFY_SIGNATURES Enables or disables the signature verification for addons. Default = 0, Weak protection = 1, Full protection = 2
ARMA3_EQUAL_MOD_REQUIRED If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. (Outdated)
ARMA3_ALLOWED_FILE_PATCHING Allow or prevent client using -filePatching to join the server. 0, is disallow, 1 is allow HC, 2 is allow all clients (since Arma 3 1.49+)
ARMA3_VOTE_MISSION_PLAYERS Percentage of votes needed to confirm a vote. 33% in this example
ARMA3_DISABLE_VON If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
ARMA3_VON_CODEC If set to 1 then it uses IETF standard OPUS codec, if to 0 then it uses SPEEX codec (since Arma 3 update 1.58+)
ARMA3_VON_CODEC_QUALITY Since 1.62.95417 supports range 1-20 //since 1.63.x will supports range 1-30 //8kHz is 0-10, 16kHz is 11-20, 32kHz(48kHz) is 21-30
ARMA3_PERSISTENT If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. Default = 0
ARMA3_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full".
ARMA3_BATTLE_EYE Server to use BattlEye system
ARMA3_ALLOWED_LOAD_FILE_EXTENSIONS Only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via loadFile command (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124216)
ARMA3_ALLOWED_PREPROCESS_FILE_EXTENSIONS Only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via preprocessFile/preprocessFileLineNumber commands (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124323)
ARMA3_ALLOWED_HTML_LOAD_EXTENSIONS Only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via HTMLLoad command (since Arma 3 build 1.27.126715)
ARMA3_ALLOWED_VOTE_CMDS Alowed Vote commands.
ARMA3_ALLOWED_VOTED_ADMIN_CMDS Definition of available commands for voted-in admins.
ARMA3_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT Server wait time before disconnecting client, default 90 seconds, range 5 to 90 seconds. (since Arma 3 update 1.56+)
ARMA3_ON_USER_CONNECTED User has connected
ARMA3_ON_USER_DISCONNECTED User has disconnected
ARMA3_DOUBLE_ID_DETECTED 2nd user with the same ID detected
ARMA3_ON_UNSIGNED_DATA Unsigned data detected
ARMA3_ON_HACKED_DATA Modification of signed pbo detected
ARMA3_ON_DIFFERENT_DATA Signed pbo detected with a valid signature, but a different version than a server has
ARMA3_FORCED_DIFFICULTY Enforces the selected difficulty on the server.
ARMA3_MISSIONS An empty Missions class means there will be no mission rotation
ARMA3_MISSIONS_WHITELIST An empty whitelist means there is no restriction on what missions' available

Battleye Configuration

Variable Function