Make sure you have node
and npm
installed and run the following command:
npm install
Run the following command:
npm run dev
Let's build our own custom audio player.
We should be able to:
Use the local file
Make the Play / Pause button work (if it's pause show the play button, if it's play show the pause button)
Make the JumpForward button work (lets jump 10s)
Make the JumpBack button work (lets go back 30s)
Make the Reapeat button work (when the audio ends it should loop back and start playing from the start)
Make the progress bar work
- When the audio is playing, the progress bar should be updated
- I should be able to click on the progress bar and jump to a specific time
As an extra feature instead of playing a local file we want to be able to fetch a playlist from a remote server.
To get the list of songs do a request to GET /api/songs
Show the list of songs, artist name, cover image and genre.
I want to be able to play load into my player any song from the list.
You should use scss for styling the project
You can use the icons from whatever site you want I personaly use Heroicons.
Create a branch with your name and open a pull request.