
Project LaPoste is a gem that allows you to calculate delivery prices and discounts following predefined rules.

Primary LanguageRuby

Project LaPoste

Project LaPoste is a gem that allows you to calculate delivery prices and discounts following predefined rules.


  • Ruby >= 2.5
  • (optional, for tests) Bundler >= 2


To run LaPoste you need provide a file with transactions(input.txt is used by default):

$ bin/run your_input.txt

To run tests

$ bin/setup
$ bin/test


Next steps:

  • (Important) Replace Float type with some kind of Money class(1,2) in all places where we deal with money. It will save us from rounding and other nasty problems.
  • Add test coverage reports
  • Add some kind of monitoring, e.g. DataDog
  • (Optional) Add Sorbet types if the team is interested