
A list of themes and starters for JAMstack sites.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Jamstack Themes

A list of Themes and Starters for JAMstack Sites. https://jamstackthemes.dev

Submit A Theme

Anyone can submit an open-source theme to the gallery.

  1. Fork this repo and create a new markdown .md file in content/theme folder. The filename is typically named after your theme or repo, for example hugo-air.md
  2. Edit the markdown file with the required front-matter as shown below.
  3. Submit a pull-request with the title Theme Submission: theme-name

The markdown file should contain the following front-matter.

title: "My Theme Name"
github: https://github.com/username/repo
demo: https://www.demo.com # Please make sure this links to the theme demo and not your personal/business site
author: Github Author
date: 2019-08-20 # This is the date you submitted the theme YYYY-MM-DD
github_branch: master # This is the repos default branch
  - Gridsome
  - NetlifyCMS
  - Bootstrap
  - Blog
  - Portfolio
  - Snipcart
  - Formstack
description: This theme is a lightweight Gridsome starter kit which is perfect for a blog or a portfolio

# A simple starter kit for Gridsome

This theme is a lightweight starter kit. It also gives you a well organised starting point to extend it for yourself.

## Features

* Customisable design tokens to make it your own  
* Customisable global data and navigation  
* Tags and tag archives  
* Progressively enhanced, semantic and accessible  
* _Super_ lightweight front-end  
* Sass powered CSS system with utility class generator  
* Service worker that caches pages so people can read your articles offline  
* An RSS feed for your posts


Github stars, image thumbnails and last commit date are generated at build time when this site is deployed to Netlify. Basically the Netlify site runs npm run deploy

While you may run these scripts locally for testing purposes you should not submit any of the generated files with your pull-request. Just submit the markdown file.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Any open source themes with a public github repo can be submitted.
  • Please make sure the demo URL links to a demo of the theme and not your personal or business site.

If you are adding a SSG or CMS which doesnt exist already you will need to add it as part of your pull-request. New taxonomy terms can be added by creating a markdown file under content/ssg/ or content/cms. Take a look at the existing files to see what front-matter is required. You will also need to upload an icon into static/images/icons, preferably the icon is in SVG format under 3KB. If it's a PNG please make sure the size is 60x60px and the size is as small as possible (you should be able to keep it under 5KB)

Develop Locally

This site is built on Hugo

Development Server

hugo serve

Build Site


Generate Github stars and other metadata

npm install
npm run fetch

Generating github data requires a Github Token. You can generate this token in your Github account at settings > developer settings > personal access tokens https://github.com/settings/tokens

Generate Github Data

npm run generate-github

Capture Screenshots

Will take screenshots of each theme, based on the demo link and store the files in static/capture

npm run capture-screenshots

Generate Thumbnails

Will generate thumbnails for each theme. Uses Hires screenshots from static/capture and stores files in static/images/theme/thumbnails.

npm run generate-thumbnails