I like to explore new technologies. Passionate about Virtual Reality, Machine Learning, Neural Networks.
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Pinned Repositories
retrieve alexa ranks for a list of sites
amazon products info
You provide the tool with 2 lists. List A contains the webpages that might have a link back to web pages in List B. The tool iterates through items in List A and checks if each item in List A contains a link to any web page from List B.
Blackjack game from TeaLeaf Academy Ruby course
This is a simple python script that does the following: you specify the URL of the website, and the keyword. The script returns the position of any page of the specified website in Google Top 100 for the specified keyword.
Project #3 from Python Crash Course book by Eric Matthes
A simple implementation of particle swarm optimization algorithm by James D. McCaffrey. In PSO, you have a set of “particles”. Each particle represents a possible solution. Particles move towards a new location/solution based on 1.) their current direction, 2.) the best location/solution they’ve encountered o far, and 3.) the best location/solution that’s been found by any of the particles in the swarm.
slavarybalka's Repositories
This is a simple python script that does the following: you specify the URL of the website, and the keyword. The script returns the position of any page of the specified website in Google Top 100 for the specified keyword.
You provide the tool with 2 lists. List A contains the webpages that might have a link back to web pages in List B. The tool iterates through items in List A and checks if each item in List A contains a link to any web page from List B.
Project #3 from Python Crash Course book by Eric Matthes
A simple implementation of particle swarm optimization algorithm by James D. McCaffrey. In PSO, you have a set of “particles”. Each particle represents a possible solution. Particles move towards a new location/solution based on 1.) their current direction, 2.) the best location/solution they’ve encountered o far, and 3.) the best location/solution that’s been found by any of the particles in the swarm.
Create a financial model to better understand market behavior and make profitable investments and trades
A tool to work with Conductor Searchlight API
1. Input a list of URLs 2. Analyze the contents of these pages. 3. Check if a certain phrase is in text and if yes, return the URL
This application demonstrates the combination of the IBM Watson Conversation and Retrieve and Rank services.
This tool analyzes a spreadsheet with information on each partner and outputs the findings in a human-friendly format. The goal of this tool is to save time for analyzing the data.
Dense image captioning in Torch
A simple file copying program from the book "The C Programming Language" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. This program copies its input to its output one character at a time.
Using supervised machine learning to predict the position of the page in Google Search Results for a given keyword.
A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
A simple implementation of the conversation module by IBM Watson.
This tool in Ruby uses API to save you time looking for the job vacancies that match you needs. You will need to add your API key to the program to be able to use it. When you start the program, it asks you to enter the list of cities in which you would like to find the job. Then it asks you to enter the title/keywords of the position. That's it.
Content for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum
The application from the Flask tutorial by Miguel Grinberg.
Tensorflow Projects
Natural Language Processing on the news articles.
This SEO tool analyzes a web page or a list of web pages and checks how well they are optimized for a particular keyword or a list of keywords.
Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree P1
### 1. Get Top 10 search results on Google for a keyword. ### 2. Analyze the contents of these pages. ### 3. Build a dictionary of keyword phrases, sorted by frequency of occurence. ### 4. Check if any of the top keywords is in the page we are trying to rank for this keyword. ### 5. Assign a score to our page.
This tool analyzes a bunch of website parameters to provide you with detailed technical SEO analysis, which is the foundation of SEO.
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Exporing Titanic Survivors Dataset