
YOLO-v1 implementation in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of the YOLO algorithm (version 1) paper in PyTorch: You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection.


The YOLO model was trained on Pascal VOC dataset. The hyperparameters of the model can be found in the config.yaml file.

Project structure

  • src/
    • metrics/
      • cbow.py - implemented CBOW model.
      • iou.py - implemented Skip-Gram model.
      • mean_average_precision.py - contains common function used for models.
    • model/
      • model.py - YOLO architecture.
    • utils
      • utils_file - utilities for loading and saving files.
      • utils_list.py - utilities for operating on lists.
    • dataset.py - implementation of the PyTorch Dataset in Pascal VOC format.
    • loss.py - implementation of the loss function used for training YOLO.
    • main.py - full training pipeline.
    • non_max_suppression.py - implementation of the Non-maximum Suppression used during the model inference.
    • train.py - class implementation for training a model.
  • test/ - collection of unit tests
  • config.yaml - config file with the main parameters of datasets and the model.


  1. Clone the repository into the yolo folder:
git clone https://github.com/slavafive/YOLO-v1.git yolo
  1. Download the Pascal VOC dataset. Save it in the yolo folder as the data directory.
  2. Run the training pipeline:
python yolo/src/main.py --config yolo/config.yaml
  1. After the training, the model and its checkpoints will be saved in the directory specified in the model_directory (artifacts by default) attribute of the config.yaml file.


A part of the source code and unit tests were used from Aladdin Persson repository.