
Simple DSL for building CICD scripts with type safety in fsharp

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

Fun.Build Nuget

This is a project mainly used for CICD, you can use it in a fsharp project or as a script. You can check the build.fsx or demo.fsx under the root folder to check how the Fun.Build project itself is built and published to nuget.

The basic idea is you have pipeline which can contain multiple stages.
Every stage can contain multiple steps. In the stage you can set it to run in parallel or run under some conditions (when envVar, cmdArg, branch etc.).
Every step is just a async<Result<unit, string>>, string is for the error message.

Fun.Build.Cli is used to manage fsharp scripts which is using Fun.Build and tryPrintPipelineCommandHelp.

For what

  • Simple and straight forward DSL
  • Type safety and extendable DSL
  • Build and compose complex pipelines
  • Test your pipelines locally
  • Generate command line help information automatically

Minimal example and conventions

#r "nuget: Fun.Build, 1.0.9"
open Fun.Build

pipeline "demo" {
    // configuration for pipeline itself goes first, like timeout, description etc.
    description "xxxx"
    // stages goes here
    stage "foo" {
        // configuration for stage itself goes first
        // steps or nested stages goes here
        run ...
    // post stages goes here if you have any
    // post []
    // For script command usage, you can add below helper 

// For script command usage, you can add below helper
// You can run: dotnet fsi demo.fsx -- -h
tryPrintPipelineCommandHelp ()

Print command line help information

You can call tryPrintPipelineCommandHelp () at the end of your script to get some help infomation.
Then you can run below command to get the help info:

dotnet fsi build.fsx -- -h

You can also run below command without call tryPrintPipelineCommandHelp to get help info for pipeline which is set with runIfOnlySpecified:

dotnet fsi build.fsx -- -p your_pipeline -h


Below example covered most of the apis and usage example, take it as the documents😊:

#r "nuget: Fun.Build, 1.0.9"

open Fun.Result
open Fun.Build

module Extensions =
    open Fun.Build.Internal

    type PipelineBuilder with

        [<CustomOperation "collapseGithubActionLogs">]
        member inline this.collapseGithubActionLogs(build: Internal.BuildPipeline) =
            let build =
                this.runBeforeEachStage (build, (fun ctx -> if ctx.GetStageLevel() = 0 then printfn $"::group::{ctx.Name}"))
            this.runAfterEachStage (build, (fun ctx -> if ctx.GetStageLevel() = 0 then printfn "::endgroup::"))

// You can create a stage and reuse it in any pipeline or nested stages
let demo1 =
    stage "Ways to run something" {
        timeout 30 // You can set default timeout for the stage
        timeoutForStep 30 // You can set default timeout for step under the stage
        envVars [ "envKey", "envValue" ] // You can add or override environment variables
        // Use cmd, so we can encrypt sensitive argument for formatable string
        runSensitive ($"""dotnet {"--version"}""")
        run (fun ctx -> ctx.RunSensitiveCommand $"""dotnet {"--version"}""")
        // You can run command directly with a string
        run "dotnet --version"
        run (fun ctx -> "dotnet --version")
        run (fun ctx -> async { return "dotnet --version" })
        // You use use the RunCommand to run multiple command according to your logics
        run (fun ctx -> asyncResult {
            do! ctx.RunCommand "dotnet --version"
            do! ctx.RunCommand "dotnet --version"
        // You can run async functions
        run (Async.Sleep 1000)
        run (fun _ -> Async.Sleep 1000)
        run (fun _ -> async { return 0 }) // return an exit code to indicate if it successful
        // You can also run sync functions
        run (fun ctx -> ())
        run (fun ctx -> 0) // return an exit code to indicate if it successful
        // You can also use the low level api
        step (fun ctx _ -> async { return Ok() })

pipeline "Fun.Build" {
    description "This is a demo pipeline for docs"
    timeout 30 // You can set overall timeout for the pipeline
    timeoutForStep 10 // You can set default timeout for every step in every stage
    timeoutForStage 10 // You can set default timeout for every stage
    envVars [ "envKey", "envValue" ] // You can add or override environment variables
    cmdArgs [ "arg1"; "arg2" ] // You can reset the command args
    workingDir __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
    // You can also override the accept exit code for success. By default 0 is for success.
    // But if your external program is using other code you can add it here.
    acceptExitCodes [ 0; 2 ]
    // By default steps will not add prefix for printing information.
    // You can also set the flag on each stage.
    noPrefixForStep false
    // Below is a custom extended operation
    stage "Demo2" {
        // whenAny, whenNot, whenAll. They can also be composed.
        whenBranch "master" // Check current branch is master
        whenAny {
            envVar "envKey" // Check has environment variable
            envVar "envKey" "envValue" // Check has environment variable value
            cmdArg "cmdKey" "" "Check has cmd arg"
            cmdArg "cmdKey" "cmdValue" "Check has cmd arg value which should be behind the cmdKey"
            whenNot { cmdArg "--not-demo" }
        shuffleExecuteSequence // It can shuffle the sequence of steps executing sequence
        run "dotnet --version"
        run "dotnet --list-sdks"
    // You can also nest stages, the stage will be treated as a single stage for parent stage.
    stage "Demo3" {
        stage "Platform" {
            workingDir @"C:\Users"
            run "powershell pwd"
        stage "Demo nested" {
            echo "cool nested"
            stage "Deeper" { echo "cooller" }
            stage "inactive" {
                whenCmdArg "arg3"
                echo "Got here!"
        stage "Exit code" {
            acceptExitCodes [ 123 ]
            run (fun _ -> 123)
        // You can open link in browser every easily
        openBrowser "https://github.com/slaveOftime/Fun.Build"
        run (fun ctx -> ctx.OpenBrowser "https://github.com/slaveOftime/Fun.Build")
    stage "FailIfIgnored" {
        failIfIgnored // When set this, the stage cannot be ignored
        whenCmdArg "arg2"
        echo "Got here!"
    stage "inactive" {
        whenCmdArg "arg3"
        echo "Got here!"
    post [ // Post stages are optional. It will run even other normal stages are failed.
        stage "Post stage" {
            echo "You are finished 😂"
            echo (fun ctx -> sprintf "You are finished here: %A" (ctx.GetWorkingDir()))
            run (fun _ -> async {
                return 0 // do something
    // You can have multiple pipelines, sometimes you only want to run it only if the command specified the pipeline name.
    // If this is set to false, then it will always run if you do not specify which pipeline to run. By default it is true.
    // To specify you can do this: dotnet fsi build.fsx -p Fun.Build
    runIfOnlySpecified false
// You can also run it directly
// runImmediate

pipeline "pipeline-verify-demo" {
    description "Verify before pipeline start running"

    // Will throw exception when verification failed.
    // You can define your own logic
    verify (fun ctx -> false)
    // To keep consistence, the condition is similar like when building stage
    whenCmdArg "verify"
    whenAny {
        cmdArg "v1"
        branch "master"


pipeline "cmd-info" {
    description "Check cmd info build style"
    whenCmd {
        fullName "-w" "--watch"
        // Description can also support multiple lines
        description "watch cool stuff \n dasd asdad \n asdasd as123"
    whenCmd {
        name "--debug"
        description "optional argument"
    whenEnv {
        name "PRODUCTION"
        description "optional argument"
    stage "condition demo" {
        // You can use whenCmd CE for more complex situation.
        whenCmd {
            shortName "-w"
            // Description can also support multiple lines
            description "watch cool stuff \n dasd asdad \n asdasd as123"
        whenCmd {
            shortName "-r"
            description "run cool stuff"
            acceptValues [ "v1"; "v2" ]
        whenCmd {
            longName "--build"
            description "build your dream"
            acceptValues [ "v1"; "v2" ]
        whenAny {
            cmdArg "--foo"
            envVar "--bar"
            branch "master"
        echo "here we are"
        run "dotnet --list-sdks"

// This will collect command line help information for you
// You can run: dotnet fsi demo.fsx -- -h
tryPrintPipelineCommandHelp ()

Fun.Build.Cli Nuget

This is a dotnet tool package which can be used to manage the fsharp script which is using Fun.Build, and called tryPrintPipelineCommandHelp.

dotnet tool install --global Fun.Build.Cli
fun-build -h

  source                          Manage source directory
    Options(collected from pipeline and stages):
      --list                      List current source directories
      --add                       Add source directory and build pipeline info cache for usage
      --remove                    Remove source from current source list
      --clean                     Clear all the cache files
      --refresh                   Rebuild pipelines and cache for current source again

  run (default)                   Execute pipeline found from sources
    Options(collected from pipeline and stages):
      --use-last-run              Execute the last pipeline
      --with-last-args            Use the last run arugments

After first setup, we can run the it without any arugments, it will pompt related question to guide you.