
Simple NSQ tracer tool to see any messages that being published to specific NSQ topic

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Simple NSQ tracer tool to see any messages that being published to specific NSQ topic. This library will not consume the message, only listening for new messages and display, that's it. However it also can consume the message by providing --auto-finish option, so the message will be assumed as finished.


Simply go to the latest binary release page to download the binary, and then run via CLI command. or if you has Go installed locally, NSQTracer can be installed via go install

Tips: Place the binary on /usr/local/bin (for *nix users) so it accessible anywhere in your system.

$ go install github.com/slaveofcode/nsqtracer

Start from default address

$ ./nsqtracer --topic SOMETOPIC

The command above will start a tracer listening from default nsqd host address, which is located on localhost:4151.

Start from specific address

If you want to use specific address of NSQd, you can attach more options like below

$ ./nsqtracer --topic SOMETOPIC --nsqd-tcp localhost:4180

Start from multiple address

NSQTracer is able to listen from multiple nsqd addresses, so you can watch through all nsqd instances. Simply add more on the --nsqd-tcp options.

$ ./nsqtracer --topic SOMETOPIC --nsqd-tcp localhost:4150 --nsqd-tcp localhost:4140 --nsqd-tcp localhost:4180

Using NSQLookupd address

By using nsqlookupd host address you'll discover all nsqd's that connected to the nsqlookupd instance, it's really helpful when you want to listen from all nsqd's by supplying only one nsqlookupd http address.

$ ./nsqtracer --topic SOMETOPIC --nsqlookup-http localhost:4161

The same rule applies for the --nsqlookup-http option, you can also provide more than one nsqlookupd addresses.

Read Available Options

Just run ./nsqtracer --help to see all available commands


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Aditya Kresna