
Push voice to-dos to Notion

Primary LanguageSwift

Built in a few hours with ChatGPT. Chat logs available on Gumroad: https://sahil.gumroad.com/l/ios-with-chatgpt

Push To-Do

The fastest, simplest way to add to-dos to Notion.

How to use

Upon opening, Push To-Do will be recording. Tap the button once you are finished talking to create a new to-do.

How to setup

  1. Create a Notion integration: https://developers.notion.com/docs/create-a-notion-integration

  2. Download this repo to your PC.

  3. Add the app to your device with Xcode.

  4. Replace apiKey in WhisperNotionManager.swift with your OpenAI API key.

  5. Within the app settings within Settings.app, add:

  • The internal integration token from the integration above
  • The page ID if you want to add a to-do to a page
  • The database ID if you want to add a page to a database


  • Enable "Add to database" if you prefer new pages instead of new to-dos.