
Laravel 5 blade snippets! useful snippets for the blade templating engine to use in Atom.

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Blade templating snippets for Atom

Laravel 5 blade snippets! useful snippets for the Blade Templating Engine to use in Atom.

Converted from blade-snippets for sublime using the sublime to atom script.


These snippets will trigger only in *.blade.php files.

Type any snippet and hit TAB to receive incredible results!.

echo + TAB = {{ $var }}

Checkout the Available blade snippets.

I recommend this Blade language Package for Atom to be able to take full advantage of the Blade Templating Engine in this amazing editor.

Available snippets

Shortcut Result
!! or uecho or uprint {!! $var !!}
}} or echo or print {{ $var }}
action {!! link_to_action('Controller@method') !!}
asset {!! asset('path') !!}
auth @auth('gate')

choice @choice('language.line', $number)
comment or // {{-- comment --}}
each @each ('item.view', $items, 'item', 'empty.view')
ext or extends @extends('name')
fea or foreach @foreach($array as $element)

fel or forelse @forelse ($array as $element)

for @for ($i = 0; $i < ; $i++)

guest @guest('gate')

if @if (condition)

ife @if (condition)


inc or include @include('view.name', ['some' => 'data'])
incif or includeif @includeIf('view.name', ['some' => 'data'])
when or includewhen @includeWhen('condition', 'view.name', ['some' => 'data'])
par or parent @parent
route {!! route('name') !!}
sec or section @section('name')

sshow or secs @section('name')

trans {!! trans('language.line') !!}
un or unless @unless (condition)

while @while (condition)

yl or yield @yield('section')


Feel free to contribute!

As of today, i am a complete noob at making atom packages, if there is any error, suggestion, improvement, etc, to point or make, feel free to do so.