
A modern free minecraft Dashboard

Primary LanguageTypeScript

MC Dash

A free & opensource Minecraft Dashboard to control your server

console image files image dashboard image


  • Live Console To see console output live and execute commands
  • File Explorer To delete, upload, download, etc files e.g. plugins
  • Dashboard With some general information and quick commands
  • Setup Wizard Here you can select a server and a version and agree to the eula.txt


  • Setup Script
  • Docker Container
  • Backend Cors Settings, if you dont want use *
  • File Editor
  • Explorer Feature: Duplicate, Download, Move
  • Dashboard: Get World, Get Gamemode



  • Java JRE (for minecraft)
  • git


Visit the dash/.env file and change the token, websocket port there

For Development you need the have

  • rust
  • nodejs

cd dash
cargo run

will run the Websocket / API server

pnpm install
pnpm run dev

will run the frontend on http://localhost:3000/


Build the Backend / Server

This is not optimal currently and I plan in the further future if there are some people actually using this (open an issue if you do :D) to make a script to setup this and docker containers (or at least the Dockerfile & docker compose file)

Config Visit the dash/.env file and change the token, websocket port there

Build Build the Backend with

# cd dash (if you are not in the directory of the backend)
cargo build --release
cp target/release/dash dash.bin
chmod +x dash.bin 

Build the Frontend with

# in the project directory 
pnpm install
pnpm run build
pnpm run start

now the backend is running on localhost and the frontend too

Setup a Reverse Proxy I recommend the Docker Container Nginx Proxy Manager

than configure it to let your domain e.g. the www, @ record (with https) to redirect to localhost:3000 and another record e.g. api to redirect to localhost:{your port for the backend e.g. 8778, see the dash/.env file}, also with https

Visit the .env.local file and the api url to the public adress you run the server on e.g. (https://api.{your_domain}/...)

Tmux Sessions open a new tmux session (tmux)

Session 1

cd dash

(press ctrl + b to detach)

Session 2

pnpm run start

(again detach)

Now you should be alow to visit the dashboard on your domain :)


Please open an issue if you have any questions, im glad to help you :D