pico_rec -- SPP interface to Picoscope 4000 devices. (SPP is a "simple pipe protocol" used to communicate with command-line programs via unix pipes. It is used in some of my programs: graphene, device2. This allows to use the oscilloscopes in the device2 system, but the communication can be also done with simple shell scripts). Program res
pico_log_py -- Python library for accessing oscilloscopes (by M.Will).
sig_filter -- Program for processing signals recorded by pico_rec program. I'm using a simple custom format SIG for recording signals. It contains a text header and binary data from oscilloscope. There is also SIGF variant written in frequency domain (it is possible to reduce frequency range and make files a lot smaller). Sig_filter program does a lot of operations with signals.
sig_pngfig -- Working with PNG spectrograms with fig wrapper. It is possible to convert sig file to a png spectrogram with additional information about original time and frequency range; put it in a fig file (for xfig vector editor), manually mark some features and then use sig_filter to extract data from sig files using these marks.
sig_viewer -- TCL viewer for signal (and text) files
sig_python -- a simple python library for reading sig files
signals -- signal examples
ps3000 -- old programs for ps3000 device: HTTP server + tcl interface
pico_repack -- scripts for repacking pico libraries from original DEBs to Altlinux RPMs.
modules -- I'm using my mapsoft2 build system with local set of modules. See https://github.com/slazav/mapsoft2-libs