
assignment-2-github-AnonM00se created by GitHub Classroom

Review Assignment Due Date

DTP Assignment 2

This assignment is all about GitHub. It is divided into two parts.

Part 1: Share your Poem

You will have to create a poem in src/poem.txt and push it to your repository. The poem must have greater than 20 non-empty lines, including the title. Feel free to search for your favorite poems online.


Since the repository is generated publicly, it will be visible to other DTP participants.

Part 2: Contribute to Others' Poems

You will have to contribute one pull request to at least three (3) of your fellow participants' repositories. Possible contribution includes correcting grammar/spelling, adding title/more lines, substituting words, etc. As much as possible, let's choose repositories that have the fewest pull requests thus far to keep things even.


Note that a pull request is only counted as your contribution when merged by the owner of the repository.