
Package event provides the /events designe

Primary LanguageGo

Event description

Event loop.

Serial and parallel events supported.

You can use them seperately. Also you can also mix using serial and parallel .

Get code to your local development.

go get github.com/slclub/goevents


first import the package

import github.com/slclub/goevents


events := goevents.Classic()

Defined your self event func

Defined func follow the type.It is the beanchmark,don't need to appear in your code. Define functions "func" rather than method according to golang standards

There is the function of event defined by yourself. The following definitions are allowed.Maybe you can say that as long as the golang function is allowed

    func event1(st ...interface{}) { }//allowed
    func event(){}//allowed.
    func event(n int, str string){}//allowed.

Example of serial events

func main() {

    self := goevents.Classic()

    self.On("a", func() {
    print("serial event added:e1")

    self.On("b", func(n int) {
    print("serial event added:e2; args:", n)

    self.Bind("I am string").On("b", func(str string) {
    print("serial event added:e3; args:", str)

    //Can trigger the events that was named belong to On function.
    //events.Bind("e2", "do some things by bind").Trigger("b")
    //Trigger all the event functions.

Example of parallel event supported

func main() {

    self := goevents.Classic()
    self.GoOn(func() {
    print("parallel event added e1")
    }, "no", 1)

    self.GoOn(func(str string, n int) {
    print("parallel event added e2", str, n)
    }, "no", 2)


    //trigger all of the events that has not been emited.

Example of complex use case

package main

import (

var print = fmt.Println

func Test() {
    Timer := time.Now()
    self := goevents.Classic()

    self.On("a", func() {
        print("serial event added:e1")

    self.On("b", func(n int) {
        print("serial event added:e2; args:", n)

    self.Bind("I am string").On("b", func(str string) {
        print("serial event added:e3; args:", str)

    self.GoOn(func() {
        print("parallel event added e1")
    }, "no", 1)

    self.GoOn(func(str string, n int) {
        print("parallel event added e2", str, n)
    }, "no", 2)

    excuTimes := time.Since(Timer)
    print("event running time:", excuTimes)
ev := events.Classic()

.On(name string, fn func(...interface{}))

Bind event to the object of events

ev.On("message", func(args ...interface{}){
    //do some things

.Bind(args ...interface{})*events

Bind param to the current event func

    //use mod one
    //you can also coherent usage.
    ev.Bind(...).On("message", func(args ...interface{}){
        //do something

.Trigger(args ...string)

Trigger the events by the first element of the args. it will Emit all events if no argments.

//Just trigger partion of the events by first argment.
//If no params it will emit all the serial events 

.GoOn(fn func(...interface{}), args ...interface{})

Bind event that need to parallel execution.

    //event do something
}, args)


Emit all the events. Parallel events execution included.


.Conf(chNum int, safeMod int)

Setting events object running mod. Param:chNum parallel gorountine numbers. Param:safeMod events object running mod.


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