
Basic SASS/SCSS project with some simple mixins. For SASS 3.2 or higher because of the media-screen mixins.

Primary LanguageRuby

SASS Basic Project

Basis Sheet für Projekte mit SASS/SCSS Erweiterung.


Ordner überwachen mit Compass:
compass watch /path/to/myProject

Es werden folgende Scripte geladen:

SASS Partials

@import "compass";

// First of all, load the Variables 
@import "partials/variable";

@import "partials/reset";

// Clearfix 'n stuff 
@import "partials/hacks";

// Some Mixins to completely lose yourself… 
@import "partials/mixins";

// Animations to work with 
@import "partials/animations";

// Form Styles, from labels to input over textareas 
@import "partials/forms";

// import some font-awesome with a lot of icons to get along with 
@import "partials/font-awesome";

// some media queries with custom breakpoints and mixins 
@import "partials/media-queries";

// a grid that still needs some love 
@import "partials/grid";

// all the headlines and paragraphs you love 
@import "partials/typography";

// --- IF USING WORDPRESS ------------------------------------------------- 
//@import "partials/wordpress"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
// Basic Declarations, all content goes here 
@import "partials/base";


project_type = :stand_alone 
# paths 
http_path       = "/" 
css_dir         = "/" 
sass_dir        = "sass" 
images_dir      = "img" 
javascripts_dir = "js" 
# output option: nested, expanded, compact, compressed 
output_style = :compact 

# Use :development to see line numbers, file names, etc 
environment = :production 
# To disable debugging comments that display the original location of your selectors. Uncomment: 
line_comments = false 
# To enable relative paths to assets via compass helper functions. Uncomment: 
relative_assets = true 
# disable the asset cache buster 
asset_cache_buster :none

Usage of Media Queries:

.foo {
	float: left;
	width: 1200px;

	@include respond($landscape) {
		width: 1000px;
	@include respond($portrait) {
		float: none;
		width: 700px;
	@include respond($mobile) {
		width: 400px;