Offender Assessments API

The service provides REST access to the OASYS Oracle DB offender assessment information.

The source for this service can be found on GitHub.

Continuous Integration

Running locally


OAuth security

In order to run the service locally, Nomis OAuth Service is required. This can be run locally using the docker-compose.yml file which will pull down the latest version. From the command line run:

 docker-compose up 

Build service and run tests

This service is built using Gradle. In order to build the project from the command line and run the tests, use:

./gradlew clean build  

The created JAR file will be named "offender-assessment-api-<yyyy-mm-dd>.jar", using the date that the build takes place in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Start the application with H2 database

The configuration can be changed for the api to use an in-memory H2 database by using the spring boot profile dev. On the command line run:

java -jar build/libs/offender-assessment-api-<yyyy-mm-dd>.jar  

Start the application with Oracle database

This configuration can be changed to use a VM Oracle database using the spring boot profile oracle. On the command line run:

SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<VM Oracle IP address>:1521:XYZ
java -jar build/libs/offender-assessments-api-<yyyy-mm-dd>.jar  

Additional configuration

The application is configurable with conventional Spring parameters.
The Spring documentation can be found here:

Default port

By default the application starts on port '8080'. To override, set server.port (e.g. SERVER_PORT=8099 java -jar build/libs/offender-assessments-api-<yyyy-mm-dd>.jar )


The generated documentation for the api can be viewed at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


  • /ping: will respond pong to all requests. This should be used by dependent systems to check connectivity to
    offender assessment service, rather than calling the /health endpoint.
  • /health: provides information about the application health and its dependencies. This should only be used
    by offender assessment service health monitoring (e.g. pager duty) and not other systems who wish to find out the
    state of offender assessment service.
  • /info: provides information about the version of deployed application.

Health and info Endpoints (curl)

Application info
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/info  
Application health
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/health  
Application ping
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ping  

Using the api

Authentication using OAuth

In order to make queries to the api, first a client credential access token must be generated from OAuth. Send a POST request to the OAuth container with the client name:secret, encoded in base64 (sentence-plan-api-client:clientsecret)

Firstly, to encode in base64: echo -n 'sentence-plan-api-client:clientsecret' | openssl base64 to output c2VudGVuY2UtcGxhbi1hcGktY2xpZW50OmNsaWVudHNlY3JldA==.

Then, POST the request for the access token from OAuth, using the encoded secret as authorisation:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9090/auth/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic c2VudGVuY2UtcGxhbi1hcGktY2xpZW50OmNsaWVudHNlY3JldA=='