commonly used functions in go.package g.
func main() {
g.Contains([]int{1, 2, 3}, 1)
g.Reverse([]int{1, 2, 3})
// import ""
func Contains[T comparable](values []T, v T) bool
Contains check v is contained by values.
func Filter[T any](values []T, f func(T, int) bool) []T
Filter is a filter operator, like java's filter.
func Flat2[T any](values [][]T) []T
Flat2 flatten 2-dimensional array to 1-dimensional array.
func Flat3[T any](values [][][]T) []T
Flat3 flatten 3-dimensional array to 1-dimensional array.
func GroupBy[T any, K comparable](values []T, f func(T, int) K) map[K][]T
GroupBy is a group by operator, like guava's group by.
func IndexOf[T comparable](values []T, v T) int
IndexOf find the index of v in values, return -1 if element not found.
func IndexOfBy[T comparable](values []T, f func(T, int) bool) int
IndexOfBy find the index of v in values, return -1 if element not found.
func Keys[K comparable, V any](values map[K]V) []K
Keys returns the keys of the map, order is not guaranteed.
func LastIndexOf[T comparable](values []T, v T) int
LastIndexOf find the last index of v in values, return -1 if element not
func LastIndexOfBy[T comparable](values []T, f func(T, int) bool) int
LastIndexOfBy find the last index of v in values, return -1 if element not
func Map[F any, T any](values []F, f func(F, int) T) []T
Map is a map operator, like js/java's map.
func MapEntries[K comparable, V any, T any](values map[K]V, f func(K, V) T) []T
MapEntries returns the f(entries) of the map, order is not guaranteed.
func MapKeys[K comparable, V any, T any](values map[K]V, f func(K) T) []T
MapKeys returns the f(key)s of the map, order is not guaranteed.
func MapValues[K comparable, V any, T any](values map[K]V, f func(V) T) []T
MapValues returns the f(value)s of the map, order is not guaranteed.
func Max[T Numberic](values []T) T
Max returns the maximum value in the given slice.
func MaxBy[T any](values []T, less func(T, T) bool) T
MaxBy returns the maximum value in the given slice, using the provided less
function to compare values.
func MaxKey[K Numberic, V any](values map[K]V) K
MaxKey returns the maximum key of the map.
func MaxKeyBy[K comparable, V any](values map[K]V, less func(K, K) bool) K
MaxKeyBy returns the maximum key of the map based on less method.
func MaxValue[K comparable, V Numberic](values map[K]V) V
MaxValue returns the maximum value of the map.
func MaxValueBy[K comparable, V any](values map[K]V, less func(V, V) bool) V
MaxValueBy returns the maximum value of the map based on less method.
func Min[T Numberic](values []T) T
Min returns the minimum value in the given slice.
func MinBy[T any](values []T, less func(T, T) bool) T
MinBy returns the minimum value in the given slice, using the provided less
function to compare values.
func MinKey[K Numberic, V any](values map[K]V) K
MinKey returns the minimum key of the map.
func MinKeyBy[K comparable, V any](values map[K]V, less func(K, K) bool) K
MinKeyBy returns the minimum key of the map based on less method.
func MinValue[K comparable, V Numberic](values map[K]V) V
MinValue returns the minimum value of the map.
func MinValueBy[K comparable, V any](values map[K]V, less func(V, V) bool) V
MinValueBy returns the minimum value of the map based on less method.
func Must[T any](v T, err error) T
Must assert a condition, and if it fails, panic.
func Must0(err error)
Must0 assert err is nil
func Must1[T any](v T, err error) T
MustN assert n conditions, and if it fails, panic.
func Must2[T1 any, T2 any](v1 T1, v2 T2, err error) (T1, T2)
MustN assert n conditions, and if it fails, panic.
func Must3[T1 any, T2 any, T3 any](v1 T1, v2 T2, v3 T3, err error) (T1, T2, T3)
MustN assert n conditions, and if it fails, panic.
func Must4[T1 any, T2 any, T3 any, T4 any](v1 T1, v2 T2, v3 T3, v4 T4, err error) (T1, T2, T3, T4)
MustN assert n conditions, and if it fails, panic.
func Partition[T any](values []T, size int) [][]T
Partition is a partition operator, like java's partition.
func PutAll[K comparable, V any](target map[K]V, elements map[K]V) map[K]V
PutAll add all elements to exist map, if the key is already exists, the
value will be overridden.
func Reduce[F any, T any](values []F, f func(T, F, int) T) T
Reduce is a reduce operator, like js's reduce.
func Reverse[T any](values []T) []T
Reverse reverse the order of elements in values.
func ReverseS(s string) string
ReverseS returns a string with the reverse order of the given string.
func Slice2Map[K comparable, V any](values []V, f func(V, int) K) map[K]V
Slice2Map transfer slice to a map base on given func.
func Ternary[T any](cond bool, v1 T, v2 T) T
Ternary is a ternary operator, like C's ?:.
func TernaryF[T any](cond bool, f1 func() T, f2 func() T) T
If is a if-else operator, like C's if-else.
func Uniq[T comparable](values []T) []T
Uniq remove duplicated elements from values
func ValueOf[T any](ptr *T) T
ValueOf returns the value of the given pointer.
func Values[K comparable, V any](values map[K]V) []V
Values returns the values of the map, order is not guaranteed.
type Numberic interface {
~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 | ~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 | ~uintptr | ~float32 | ~float64 | ~string
Numberic is a numeric type, which can use ><= operators.