
Lando - WordPress Multisite, Nginx, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Mailhog, Node, Gulp, PHPCS, WP-CLI

Primary LanguagePHP

Lando WordPress Multisite Config

Be sure lando is installed before using (https://docs.lando.dev/getting-started/installation.html).

The main stack files are in the root directory and WordPress is installed in the "app" subdirectory.

Install Instructions

  1. At command line run: git clone git@github.com:sleddd/wp-multisite-lando.git
  2. cd wp-multisite-lando
  3. lando plugin-add @lando/phpmyadmin
  4. lando start
  5. Visit wp.lando.site and run the default WordPress install.
  6. Uncomment define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true ) in the wp-config file.
  7. Visit wp.lando.site > Tools > Network Setup and follow the instructions to complete WP Multsite setup.

Don't forget!

You will need to update your etc/hosts file with the following: wp.lndo.site mail.wp.lndo.site pma.wp.lndo.site