
Transmit rate value and icon indicator for Tmux.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Tmux Wifi Signal Strength

Enables displaying transmit rate value and status icon in tmux status line.

TPM Installation

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'sleekybadger/tmux-wifi-signal-strength'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it.

If format strings are added to status-left or status-right, they should be visible now.

Manual Installation

Clone the repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:sleekybadger/tmux-wifi-signal-strength.git ~/clone/path

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/clone/path/wifi_signal_strength.tmux

Reload TMUX environment:

$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

If format strings are added to status-left or status-right, they should now be visible.


Add #{wifi_signal_strength}, #{wifi_signal_strength_bg} #{wifi_signal_strength_fg}, or #{wifi_signal_strength_icon} format strings to status-left or status-right tmux options.


set -g status-right "#{wifi_signal_strength_icon} #{wifi_signal_strength}"


Signal strength low:
signal strength low

Signal strength medium:
signal strength medium

Signal strength high:
signal strength high

Signal absent:
signal absent

This is done by introducing new format strings that can be added to status options:

  • #{wifi_signal_strength} - will display transmit rate value
  • #{wifi_signal_strength_icon} - will show a icon
  • #{wifi_signal_strength_bg} - will set the background color of the status bar based on the transmit rate value
  • #{wifi_signal_strength_fg} - will set the foreground color of the status bar based on the transmit rate value


By default, these values are used:

Option Value. Description
@wifi_signal_strength_high_msg #{rate} Mb/s Used to display rate when rate >= 200
@wifi_signal_strength_medium_msg #{rate} Mb/s Used to display rate when rate >= 100 && rate < 200
@wifi_signal_strength_low_msg #{rate} Mb/s Used to display rate when rate > 0 && rate < 100
@wifi_signal_strength_off_msg Off Used to display rate when rate == 0
@wifi_signal_strength_high_bg colour015 Used for background color when rate >= 200
@wifi_signal_strength_medium_bg colour015 Used for background color when rate >= 100 && rate < 200
@wifi_signal_strength_low_bg colour015 Used for background color when rate > 0 && rate < 100
@wifi_signal_strength_off_bg colour015 Used for background color when rate == 0
@wifi_signal_strength_high_fg colour034 Used for foreground color when rate >= 200
@wifi_signal_strength_medium_fg colour202 Used for foreground color when rate >= 100 && rate < 200
@wifi_signal_strength_low_fg colour196 Used for foreground color when rate > 0 && rate < 100
@wifi_signal_strength_off_fg colour000 Used for foreground color when rate == 0
@wifi_signal_strength_high_icon Used for status icon when rate >= 200
@wifi_signal_strength_medium_icon Used for status icon when rate >= 100 && rate < 200
@wifi_signal_strength_low_icon Used for status icon when rate > 0 && rate < 100
@wifi_signal_strength_off_icon Used for status icon when rate == 0

You can change these defaults by adding the following to .tmux.conf:

set -g @wifi_signal_strength_high_msg "Hello world #{rate}"
set -g @wifi_signal_strength_low_bg "colour000"
set -g @wifi_signal_strength_medium_fg "colour201"
set -g @wifi_signal_strength_off_icon "⮃"

Don't forget to reload tmux environment after you do this:

$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


See changelog.


See contribution guidelines.


Tmux Wifi Signal Strength is released under the MIT license.