
un script Python qui utilise toutes les options disponibles dans sqlmap pour effectuer un test complet d'injection SQL sur un site Web.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python Script that Uses All Options Available in SQLMAP TO Perform A Complete SQL injection test on website. It asks the user to enter the url of the site to be tested, then runs sqlmap with advanced options such as specific the target database, table and column, using google dork to automate the sql injection search, connecting via tor to protect identity, specific Authentication and the Use of Threads to Speed Up the Testing Process. It also included Advanced Options to specific SQL injection test level and risk, typing database, operating system, current user, current database, hostname, maximum wait time, query cache igning, string to hexadecimal conversion, and output format. This script is intended to be used for legal and ethical purposes and should be used with surety and an underrstanding of the options available.