- 5
Question regarding uniqueness of node names
#50 opened by danielr1996 - 2
Getting a TableNode
#48 opened by stampflit - 2
Only a single global state
#47 opened by stampflit - 0
- 0
- 4
gosmi Load modules not loading mib files properly and giving oid's as blank
#41 opened by tanujashinde0405 - 2
Bug/Leaneancy: MODULE-IDENTITY being defined twice skips half the file
#43 opened by senpro-ingwersenk - 0
MIB files not getting parsed completely
#42 opened by wasim-nihal - 0
I am getting out of memory while parsing the Mib and the error is as follows,runtime: VirtualAlloc of 173408256 bytes failed with errno=1455
#40 opened by sz-emtpy - 3
testing the sample main.go file under cmd/smi example but facing Null oid error
#39 opened by kaushiksrinivas - 3
Relaxed mode for parsing invalid MIBs
#37 opened by Jellyfrog - 18
Unable to parse RFC-1212 mib
#29 opened by Hipska - 1
OSIX mib only partially loaded
#36 opened by Hipska - 4
- 5
Unable to get OID for some nodes
#34 opened by Hipska - 8
MIB parser breaks on unexpected whitespace
#24 opened by sponeil - 3
Can you add the ability to serialize the parsing results to local files and deserialize them from local files to parsed results?
#15 opened by nh-live - 11
how to find node with OID?
#14 opened by wxzSpirent - 1
- 3
RenderNumeric() coming back blank
#33 opened by MyaLongmire - 3
Panic with SYNOLOGY-DISK-MIB::diskTable
#32 opened by MyaLongmire - 5
Parse Module: Unexpected
#23 opened by MyaLongmire - 3
resolve OIDs with indexes
#30 opened by ftagada - 2
How to get a node's OBJECTS?
#31 opened by Hipska - 3
#28 opened by MyaLongmire - 2
- 2
smi.GetNode returns Kind: NodeScalar instead of NodeColumn for a table's subtree
#26 opened by metalgrid - 2
oid with numbers and letters
#25 opened by MyaLongmire - 1
- 2
Couldn't get enough nodes in the MIB file
#20 opened by MTamPham - 2
Ask for an update in parser module cause parser fails to parse hex string in INTEGER syntax
#18 opened by MTamPham - 12
- 2
Invalid text declaration
#16 opened by nrolans - 5
Issue reading Dell/EMC MIB files
#13 opened by xphyr - 5
Parse error
#11 opened by subcon42 - 5
gosmi state and roadmap?
#9 opened by toni-moreno - 2
Is it Windows compatible?
#10 opened by wargebitebane-glich - 3
Compile failure with Go 1.11.1
#5 opened by bruceesmith - 1
Panic from CreateTypeFromNode
#4 opened by bruceesmith - 0
syscall.Time_t undefined in GOOS==windows
#1 opened by malexzx