Building Applications with React and Redux in ES6 on Pluralsight

This repo contains the completed React and Redux application created in Building Applications with React and Redux in ES6 on Pluralsight.

Quick Start

npm install
npm start


I've created various branches to show different approaches for building the same React app.

Branch Description Pull Request
master The final React and Redux app created in the course. This exactly matches the final course exercise.
update This branch updates all dependencies to the latest version. I'm regularly keeping this branch updated. This pull request outlines the changes.
sagas This branch uses Redux Saga instead of Redux thunk. This pull request outlines the changes.
plain-react This branch uses plain React instead of Redux. As you can see in the pull request, for an app this size, plain React is preferable. This pull request outlines the changes.
context This branch uses React context to store user data and display it on the course list page. This pull request outlines the changes.