Tina Starter 🦙


This Next.js starter is powered by TinaCMS for you and your team to visually live edit the structured content of your website.

The content is managed through Markdown and JSON files stored in your GitHub repository, and queried through Tina GraphQL API.


  • Tina Headless CMS for authentication, content modeling, visual editing and team management.
  • Cloudinary to manage your media.
  • Vercel deployment to visually edit your site from the /admin route.
  • Local development workflow from the filesystem with a local GraqhQL server.


Local development

Install the project's dependencies:

yarn install

Run the project locally:

yarn dev

Local URLs

Using Tina Cloud Locally

Replace the .env.local.example, with .env.local and add in the details from Cloudinary and Tina.

NEXT_PUBLIC_TINA_CLIENT_ID=<get this from the project you create at app.tina.io>

# These are used in conjunction with a Cloudinary account for media asset management
NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=<Get this from your Cloudinary account>
NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_API_KEY=<Get this from your Cloudinary account>
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET=<Get this from your Cloudinary account>

Getting Help

TinaCMS backend is in public beta, you might face issues, to provide feedback or get help with any challenges you may have:

Development tips

Visual Studio Code GraphQL extension

Install the GraphQL extension to benefit from type auto-completion.


A good way to ensure your components match the shape of your data is to leverage the auto-generated TypeScript types. These are rebuilt when your .tina config changes.


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.