
A dead-simple magic mod for minetest.

Primary LanguageLuazlib LicenseZlib


Sorcery is a dead-simple magic mod. It adds a few craftable wands and spells, as well as a simple API to add more. Sorcery requires the mana mod.


Left-click with a spell in hand to equip it, then left-click with a wand in hand to use the currently equipped spell. It’s that simple. You can also right-click with either a wand or spell in hand to read a short description of it.




  • info (table)
    • name (string) – The item id of the wand, following the minetest item naming conventions.
    • desc (string) – The readable name of the wand
    • full_desc (string) – A short description of the wand, which will show up whenever a player right-clicks with it.
    • image (string) – The texture of the wand.
    • craft_recipe (table, optional) – Same as in minetest.register_craft
    • power (number) – An arbeitrary number which is passed to spells whenever they are executed.


    name = "test:cool_wand",
    desc = "Cool Wand",
    full_desc = "A quick glance at the wand confirms that it is, indeed, very cool.",
    image = "cool_wand.png",
    power = 999,
    craft_recipe = {



  • info (table)
    • name (string) – The item id of the spell, following the minetest item naming conventions.
    • desc (string) – The readable name of the spell
    • full_desc (string) – A short description of the spell, which will show up whenever a player right-clicks with it.
    • image (string) – The texture of the spell.
    • craft_recipe (table, optional) – Same as in minetest.register_craft
    • mana_cost (number) – The amount of mana required to execute the spell.
    • on_use (function) – The function that executes whenever a player uses a wand while the spell is equipped. (arguments: itemstack, player, pointed_thing [the thing the player is pointing at while executing the spell], wand_power [the power of the equipped wand])


    name = "test:brag_spell",
    desc = "Brag Spell",
    full_desc = "Makes sure that everyone knows you're a sorcerer.",
    image = "brag_spell.png",
    mana_cost = 10,

    craft_recipe = {
        {"default:paper", "default:paper", "default:paper"},
        {"default:apple", "default:apple", "default:apple"},
        {"default:paper", "default:paper", "default:paper"}

    on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing, wand_power)
        minetest.chat_send_all(player:get_player_name() .. " has a tier " .. wand_power .. " wand!")
        return true --always return true on success, or else the mana will not be subtracted!

License Info

Code: zlib license (see LICENSE file)
Textures: CC0