
A Kubernetes Client for Elixir based on Req

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Used by kubegen to build Resource based Kubernetes API clients using Req with kubereq.

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While this library can be used directly, it is easier to let kubegen generate the API client modules for you. The resulting clients are then using kubereq to get the prepared Req.Request struct and make the requests to the Kubernetes API Server.


The package can be installed by adding kubereq to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:kubereq, "~> 0.3.0"}

The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/kubereq.


This library can be used with plain Req but the functions in this module provide an easier API to people used to kubectl and friends.

Plain Req

Use Kubereq.Kubeconfig.Default to create connection to cluster and plain Req.request() to make the request

req = Req.new() |> Kubereq.attach()

  api_version: "v1",
  kind: "ServiceAccount",
  operation: :get,
  path_params: [namespace: "default", name: "default"]

You can pass your own Kubeconfigloader pipeline when attaching:

req = Req.new() |> Kubereq.attach(kubeconfig: {Kubereq.Kubeconfig.File, path: "/path/to/kubeconfig.yaml"})

  api_version: "v1",
  kind: "ServiceAccount",
  operation: :get,
  path_params: [namespace: "default", name: "default"]

Prepare a Req struct for a specific resource:

sa_req = Req.new() |> Kubereq.attach(api_version: "v1", kind: "ServiceAccount")

Req.request!(sa_req,  operation: :get, path_params: [namespace: "default", name: "default"])
Req.request!(sa_req,  operation: :list, path_params: [namespace: "default"])

Kubereq API

While this library can attach to any Req struct, it is sometimes easier to prepare Req for a specific resource and then use the functions defined in the Kubereq module.

sa_req = Req.new() |> Kubereq.attach(api_version: "v1", kind: "ServiceAccount")

Kubereq.get(sa_req, "my-namespace", "default")
Kubereq.list(sa_req, "my-namespace")

Or use the functions right away, defining the resource through options:

req = Req.new() |> Kubereq.attach()

Kubereq.get(req, "my-namespace", "default", api_version: "v1", kind: "ServiceAccount")

# get the "status" subresource of the default namespace
Kubereq.get(req, "my-namespace", api_version: "v1", kind: "Namespace", subresource: "status")

For resources defined by Kubernetes, the api_version can be omitted:

|> Kubereq.attach(kind: "Namespace")
|> Kubereq.get("my-namespace")