
GUI for brutejudge (including jjs)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GUI for brutejudge (including jjs)

Installation with wget

Start an HTTP server at :8000 in the repository root. On the target machine, run:

wget http://<src>:8000/setup.sh
bash setup.sh <src>

Where src is the HTTP server's IP address.

After that, fill in ejui.sh launch script with the required values.

Installation with pip

pip3 install . or python3 setup.py install should do the trick (run with sudo if necessary). To run ejui, run ejui <bind_addr>:<bind_port> <remote_testsys_addr>.

In-tree launch (deprecated)

ejui requires brutejudge to function. To download it, run bash download_brutejudge.sh. Alternatively, you can fetch brutejudge from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/sleirsgoevy/brutejudge bj; ln -s bj/brutejudge brutejudge

To run ejui, run the following command:

python3 -m ejui <bind_addr>:<bind_port> <remote_testsys_addr>